February 2023 Politics Subject Update
This update contains useful information, news and advice for Edexcel Politics teachers.
Summer 2023 entry deadline
It is now possible to make entries for the summer 2023 exam series. The deadline for making entries for the summer 2023 examination series is 21 February 2023 for AS and A level.
After these dates late entry fees may be charged. Please note that your exams officer will have their own internal deadlines in order to get the information necessary to make entries.
Mark schemes for new Politics mock papers
In November 2022 we released some new mock papers for A level Politics:
The mark schemes were released later in January 2023 and can be found below:
Pearson Edexcel A level Politics Network: Mock papers and exemplar answers
On 13 March 2023 (4-5pm) we are running a free network event to give teachers the opportunity to explore the new mock papers with some student exemplar answers. The session will also recap on the autumn 2022 updates to the specification and sample assessment materials for A level Politics, for first assessment in June 2023, before finishing with a chance to share teaching and revision strategies ahead of the summer 2023 series.
A level Politics Summer 2022 exemplar scripts
We have produced some additional A level Politics exemplar scripts from the Summer 2022 exam series and they are now available to download from the qualification page under ‘Exemplar student material’. You can also find them below:
Updated guidance on scope of EU and its application in GCE Politics
We have updated the EU Guidance document on our website following recent changes to the DfE content requirements - you can find the updated document below:
Pearson Mocks Moderation Service now open
A level Politics has now been included in our new mocks moderation service from January 2023.
This paid-for service allows you to provide your students with their mock results whilst supporting your, or your team’s, marking skills. By sending in a sample of your exam papers, our moderators can supply commentaries and reports to help you understand the mark scheme and provide reassurance that your marking is aligned with the Edexcel standard for A-Level Politics. You'll need to submit a sample of around 15% of your own marked papers, which will be reviewed by our team of expert moderators. Your school will then receive script commentaries and the moderation report.
The cost of using the mocks moderation service is £18 per student’s script but we are offering a special 30% discount for A level Politics teachers who use the service until May 2023. To claim the discount you must use the following code: POLMK30
Subject advisor
Mark Battye
Government and Politics