July teaching English update
I hope the summer term is drawing to a happy conclusion. 21 June was National Thank a Teacher Day in the UK, so it is a good opportunity for me to thank you for all your hard work and enthusiasm this school year.
End of term reminders
Don’t forget to:
- Order any anthologies you need to arrive before your school closes for the long break.
Order anthologies
- Organise how you will get student consent if you want to use our free access to scripts service on results days in August.
Read more
- Ensure your exams officer has ticked ‘Exam Viewer’ in your Edexcel Online profile if you will be responsible for accessing student scripts on or after results days.
- Ensure you are familiar with resit rules so you have the information to hand for students on results days.
Read the resit rules
- Note the dates for the next exam series in November 2023, January 2024 (IAS/IAL) and May/June 2024.
Access exam timetables
Multi-factor Authentication for Edexcel Online: make sure you can access results and ResultsPlus
On 19 June 2023 we wrote to all registered Edexcel Online account holders, advising that we had introduced Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) as an additional layer of security to help protect your centre and learner data.
While a lot of users have now accessed Edexcel Online (EOL) and successfully gone through the MFA process, we are aware that other roles may not use EOL and other related systems on a regular basis, and the next time to try and log in is on a learner results day.
If you are a user that will need to access any of the following systems during the summer results period, please log into these now and work with us to troubleshoot any issues you may have before you finish for your Summer break:
- Edexcel Online (EOL)
- ResultsPlus
- Exam Viewer
Additional support for Multi-Factor Authentication can be found in customer support article Accessing Pearson Services Using Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).
We also have these:
Results support
I will provide qualification-specific guidance nearer the time, but you can access the details of our post-results services here, for now.
September briefings
Book your place on free online ‘all set for 2023-2024’ briefings for GCSEs/Int GCSEs and A levels in early September.
International GCSEs
Modular Int GCSEs for international centres
We have recently introduced a modular version of 4EA1 and 4ET1 for first teaching in September 2023 and first assessment in June 2024 for international centres only. The introduction of this option (which does not include coursework) does not affect the existing linear specifications 4EA1 and 4ET1. They will continue to be offered both in the UK and internationally in their current forms. The availability of coursework for the linear Int GCSEs is completely unaffected.
You can watch a recent webinar explaining the introduction of modular International GCSEs or access the slides.
Do you have suggestions for two additional modern prose texts for Int GCSE English Literature (4ET1) Paper 1?
Please share your ideas.
Functional Skills
Last Standards Verifier visits of the year
Please contact us as soon as possible if you have not yet had your Standards Verifier visit for EL or L1/2 FS this academic year, as sampling must be complete by 31 July 2023.
New video on EL FS internal verification process
Please take a look at the video to get an understanding of verification at entry level.
Festival of Functionality
Once again, we have created a virtual learning centre where you will find a wide range of online CPD events during September 2023. There are over 25 hours of sessions available across our Functional Skills, ESOL and EDSQ offer, all designed to help you successfully deliver our qualifications.
Thank you once again for all your hard work this year and I hope you enjoy a well-earned rest if you will shortly be enjoying the summer break.
Subject advisor
Clare Haviland