T Levels May 2022 Update | Pearson qualifications

T Levels May 2022 Update

6 May 2022

Welcome to May’s T Level E-Bulletin. We send these bulletins monthly to all those who have signed up to the distribution list. However, we are aware some tutors and staff have not signed up, could you please encourage all those engaged in the delivery and administration of T Levels to sign up here.

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Providers are reminded that administrative support guides for this summer’s project assessments (ESP and OS) are available on our T Level webpage. We have also uploaded pre-release material here, for the Surveying OS task ahead of the assessment window this term.

In response to feedback we have drafted a guidance document to better illustrate the depth of content in the Core. We plan to publish this by the middle of the month but welcome your feedback, so if you would like advanced sight of this please contact the Construction and Engineering Product Manager Gabriel Staples.

Thank you to those who attended the May Q&A Network. These are useful events to share practice and for current Providers to assist new Providers ahead of course delivery, but need more participants to get the best value from them and we encourage you to sign up when they are released each term on the training page.

Through our partners ACCA, we have been working closely with SAGE and QuickBooks. Both software organisations are committed to supporting the delivery of the T Level Technical Qualification in Accounting and are working to provide alignment and added certification for students. We will be able to give you more information in our first Q&A Network Session in May.

We are still seeking expressions of interest for our Legal Services Provider Validation Panel (PVP) – this is where we ask you to take part in the development and work with us to make sure the Technical Qualification is right for your students and manageable for you to deliver.

Let us know if you want to join the PVP.

Provider Webinar

Pearson will be hosting a Legal Services webinar for those interested in delivering this T Level. This webinar will walk you through what the draft content and assessments currently look like with an aim to help you plan your student recruitment in the Autumn term. The webinar will take place on:

Thursday, 23rd June 2022: 15:00 - 16:30.

We would like to work with you and some of your employers to follow some of your students during their industry placement. The aim is to create some case studies to show the benefits to the qualification outcomes. If you are happy to share industry placement employer details, please contact the Stakeholder Engagement Manager Andrew Hambelton

There is still some time to give us feedback on the Key Dates Schedules for 2022/23-2023/24.

Any feedback should be sent to the timetable team by the 11th May.

Our 2022-23 Fees lists are on the Provider Administration sections of our website:

Q&A Network Sessions

Half termly Q&A sessions with the Sector Manager and Subject Advisor that give you the opportunity to ask questions, discuss your experience delivering the T Level and share good practice. Details and weblinks to register are below.



Accounting and Finance:

Getting to Know the Specification

These on-demand briefings to help you get to know the specification.

Generic Introduction: Includes where to locate the specification, a high-level overview of the contents, and key areas to pay attention to.

Core: A high-level overview of the Core Component and its assessments, how to read the specification, the high-level content of the exams, and how the tasks for the ESP are structured.

Occupational Specialist Component: A high-level overview of the Occupational Specialist Component and assessment, how to read the specification, and how the tasks for the OS project are structured.

Pre-recorded sessions can be found below:

  1. T Level in Accounting and Finance: Getting to know the Specification (Introduction)
  2. T Level in Accounting and T Level in Finance: Getting to know the Specification (Core content)
  3. T Level in Accounting: Getting to know the Specification (Occupational Specialism)
  4. T Level in Finance: Getting to know the Specification (Core content)

Getting Ready to Teach

There is an expectation delegates will have watched the ‘Getting to know the specification’ briefing prior to attending this event as an overview of the TQ structure and specification will not be covered here.

The session gives you with an opportunity to interact with the presenter, who will take you through:

  1. Planning your programme
  2. Reviewing elements of the content and practical ways it can be delivered
  3. Signposting the ongoing support available to you



  • Getting Ready to Assess events to be scheduled for early June

Accounting and Finance:

Getting Ready to Teach the T Levels in Accounting and Finance (Core Content)

Getting Ready to Teach the T Level in Accounting (Occupational Specialism)

Getting Ready to Teach the T Levels in Accounting and Finance (Core Content)

Getting Ready to Teach the T Level in Finance (Occupational Specialism)

Pre-recorded sessions for Construction, Digital, Accounting and Finance can be found on our Providers Page.

We have several vacancies for T Level examiner and assessors available. Getting involved in marking is a perfect way to increase your knowledge of the specification, understand what sits behind the marking process, and improve your overall knowledge of the qualification – which will support your teaching and delivery too. Look at our Working With Us page for more information.

Entries for the Core Component for the Summer 2022 series are still now open. The late entry window is 22 February – 15 May.

A support video on how to make entries is available via the Provider webpage.

Please remember, you must make an entry for every student wishing to enter the assessment.

Students entering for their initial attempt must attempt both Core Exams and the Employer Set Project.

Providers wishing to make entries for re-sits please ensure you are familiar with the re-sit rules. These can be found in the TQ Specification, or use our support video on ‘assessment, results and re-sits' which can be found on the Provider page.

The summer 2022 timetables have been updated to correct a timing error. The Occupational Specialisms and Employer Set Project Tasks single day assessments included AM/PM set times in error. Providers can schedule the assessment any time of the day that best fits their individual circumstances.

Download the up-to-date version on the timetable webpage

For Providers commencing delivery in September 2022 the approval window is now open. You must gain approval for each Technical Qualification you wish to deliver.

To support you, a short Provider Approval video can be found our Provider Page-General Admin Support Videos. Please watch this before starting your application.

All supporting documents and approval forms can be found in the Course Materials tab, this includes.

  • A Guide to Provider Approval
  • Guidance Document Pearson Vocational Provider Approval Application for T Level Technical Qualifications
  • Pearson T Level Technical Qualification Delivery Approval Application Form
  • Pearson Vocational Provider Approval Application for T Level Technical Qualifications

If you have any questions about Provider Approval, please contact us via the service portal.

Pearson’s T Level Quality Reviewer (TQR) undertake monitoring calls to discuss your delivery, administration, and quality assurance. This call is to make sure you maintain ongoing compliance with our quality assurance measures to keep your approval status for the delivery of the Technical Qualification.  

Please note the TQR is not a technical subject expert, as such they will not be able to answer questions on specification content or curriculum delivery. For this, please take advantage of the  Q&A Network Sessions (see above) or contact the Subject Advisor direct, their details are on the relevant TQ webpage.

This summer will see an exciting milestone in the T Level calendar, with the first cohort due to complete in August. We know many of your students have started to think about their progression and next steps, with some starting to make job/apprenticeship and/or UCAS applications. We would love to hear some of your success stories and details of students with job/apprenticeship or HE offers (e.g. for degrees/HNs/HTQs). Please email Ria Bhatta  our Head of Stakeholder Engagement with the following info:

  •  Name of student.
  •  Centre name.
  •  T Level route, pathway, and occupational specialism, which they     undertook that Pearson offers.
  •  What the job/apprenticeship/HE offer is (e.g. company and job   role, or HE course and institution).
  •  Any other key details you wanted to highlight.

We hope to publish a small selection of a range of case studies submitted to us in summer term. We cannot wait to read about your success.

Contact us

Do not forget, if you need to contact us about T Levels you can do so by the Pearson Support Portal. The portal is an online tool you can use to raise your query and track its progress. We will inform you once a member of the team has a reply for you.

Go to the Pearson Support Portal.

All the best,
The Pearson T Levels Team


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