T Level April 2023 Update
Welcome to the April T Level Update.
We send updates monthly to all those who have signed up, however, we are aware some tutors and staff have not yet done so, could you please encourage all those engaged in the delivery and administration of T Levels to sign up for updates.
![t-levels-generic-sub-carouselbanner T Levels](/content/demo/en/news-policy/qualifications/t-levels/t-leve-april-2023-update/_jcr_content/main/image.img.png/1677668912875.png)
The late entry window for Core Component Assessments for the summer 2023 series is still open.
Please remember, you must make an entry for every student wishing to enter the assessment.
Providers wishing to make entries for re-sits please ensure you are familiar with the re-sit rules. These can be found in the TQ Specification, or use our support video on ‘assessment, results and re-sits' on our Training and Admin Support page.
Our Key Dates Schedule for Autumn 2023 – Summer 2025 is open for consultation. This gives you the opportunity to review the dates, confirm you are content with them, and raise any concerns you may have (e.g. clashes with holidays or overlap with other assessments your T Level students may be undertaking).
You can view the provisional Key Dates Schedule for each TQ you deliver:
Please give feedback via this Form.
We encourage all those delivering and administering the TQ to engage. We will also be discussing the Key Dates Schedule in our Q&A Networks.
We have published the Student Exemplar Response for the ESP, at grade A and E for Construction and Digital.
The marked student work explains how the marks are awarded and will help you understand what a student needs to do in response to the assessment tasks.
If you have time, we would be grateful if you could answer a few questions about the materials via this link.
The DfE have proposed a policy change that potentially impacts the Core Component for students commencing a T Level from September 2023.
The proposal is, Core exams and the Employer Set Project (ESP) will be ‘de-coupled’.
This means students will not have to sit both sub-components in the same series. This change is designed to give you more flexibility in the design of your curriculum and make the assessments less burdensome for students. Students will be able to split their Core assessments up; for example, they could sit the Core exams in the first Summer series and the ESP in the Autumn series of their 2nd year.
Ofqual are consulting on the proposal, their consultation is open until 15 May 2023, giving you the opportunity to have your say.
You will have the opportunity to discuss this with us and other T Level Providers at our Q&A Networks.
At Pearson, we’re aware the DfE have recently made several T Level policy changes impacting various areas of T Level delivery. To support you we will be producing a termly policy update. Each update will be posted at the beginning of term and cover recent policy changes that will impact your delivery. Our Summer term update has been recorded and is due to be published very soon on our Training and Admin Support page.
For Providers commencing delivery in September 2023 the approval window is now open. You must gain approval for each Technical Qualification you wish to deliver.
Please watch our Provider Approval video before starting your application process. Support documents and approval forms can be found on the Training and Admin Support page, this includes.
- A Guide to Provider Approval
- Guidance Document Pearson Vocational Provider Approval Application for T Level Technical Qualifications
- Pearson T Level Technical Qualification Delivery Approval Application Form
- Pearson Vocational Provider Approval Application for T Level Technical Qualifications.
- If you have any questions about Provider Approval, please contact us via the service portal.
You can still make student registrations onto the Technical Qualification for cohorts that commenced in September 2022. A support video on how to make registrations and manage student details can be found on the Training and Admin Support page.
The next Construction Q&A Network is on 26 April 2023 at 13:00-14:00 and can be booked via our T Level Live Training page.
We have written a new curriculum delivery planner for the T Level, which will be particularly useful for those new to T Levels. We are also adding to the resources for each topic in core and improving the links to our case study materials.
You can also join the following groups: Construction group and T level: Construction to ask specific queries and get notified of updates.
Following our January CPD session on Digital and Modern Technology in Construction, kindly delivered by MOBIE on our behalf, the slides and recording are available on our website and may be useful for Providers as either CPD or as simple teaching material for students on Core topics 4: Building Technology 5: Information and Data, 6: Digital Technology and 10. Sustainability.
2023 Specification
We have published our specification for cohorts commencing their T Level in September 2023. Please ensure you use the correct specification for the cohort you are teaching.
The changes address minor errors and improvements/clarifications and cover two areas of specific content change simply to update the Approved Documents in regulations (Overheating Document ‘O’ and Electric Vehicle Charging Document ‘S’).
The next Digital Q&A Network is 27th April. You can book via our T Level Live Training page. If you would like anything specific to be covered or have questions, then please ask in the Facebook Group or contact the Subject Advisor.
Gatsby are looking for providers to form a focus group on macro curriculum planning for the Digital T Level. Find out more using the link below:
Find out more or register your interest
ETF are offering events in conjunction with Middlesbrough College looking at the Digital T levels. These events are online and face to face in London and Middlesbrough. Find out more using the link below:
We are also looking for feedback on our support offer for T Levels so if you could spend two minutes completing this survey it will help us to ensure that our support meets your requirements. See link below:
We have published our specification for cohorts commencing their T Level in September 2023. Please ensure you use the correct specification for the cohort you are teaching.
The changes address minor errors and updated legislation and content to current industry terminology. For full details see the Summary of Changes at the front of the specification.
The next Accounting and Finance Q&A Network is 24 May 2023 and can be booked via our T Level Live Training page. ACCA will be in attendance to answer any questions and give information about their support.
Our T Level professional body partner CII (Chartered Insurance Institute) are offering a free training opportunity, to be held in the last two weeks in June (exact dates tbc), for teachers delivering or thinking of delivering the T Level in Finance, Insurance Practitioner or Asset and Wealth Management Analyst occupational specialisms. Each occupational specialism will be delivered online over two days, and will be divided into the specialist topic areas, for teachers delivering these sections, or those wanting this specific expertise training, to log in appropriately. Details on registering for the training will be in the next bulletin.
The Education Training Foundation, who deliver T Level Professional Development Training have the following course available supporting the T Level in Finance.
Event | Date | Time | Registration link |
Introducing the Legal Finance and Accounting route - Fareham College (Portsmouth) |
20 April 2023 |
09.30-16.30 GMT |
See the new outline video and information about the offer from our partner ACCA for Accounting T Level, aimed to support teacher delivery and learner progression through the occupational specialism.
We are also looking for feedback on our support offer for T Levels so if you could spend two minutes completing this survey it will help us to ensure that our support meets your requirements.
The T Level Technical Qualification in Legal Services specification has been published and is available to download.
Published versions of the specimen assessment materials will be available soon, however these will not deviate from the pre-publication versions you have already had access to.
We will be following these up with some teaching and learning materials, which should be available in early May. These will focus on the Core Component and include a SoW.
To support your planning for first teach this September please join our Legal Services Q&A Network on the 24th May, you can book via our T Level Live Training page.
On our Training and Admin Support page you’ll find everything you need in terms of training and events to support your T Level delivery, and videos and documents to assist in administrating the qualifications.
Our training includes:
On-demand Getting to Know the Specification briefings, giving you a generic introduction, and overview of the Core Component, and an Overview of the Occupational Specialist Component.
A direct link to our T Level Live Training page, where you can search for events and book including:
· Live Q&A Network Sessions with the Product Manager and Subject Advisor giving you the opportunity to ask questions, discuss your experience delivering the T Level and share good practice with other Providers.
· Live Getting Ready to Teach training where you’ll cover planning your programme, reviewing elements of the content and practical ways it can be delivered, and signposting to the ongoing support available.
· Live Getting Ready to Assess training where you’ll learn how the assessment will work. Our aim is for you to have a good understanding of the approach we have taken in the assessments. We will look at the ‘command verb’ and discuss what is meant and the type of response required, and how the response changes depending upon the mark attributed to the question. We will also refer to the mark scheme for you to understand where marks will and will not be attributed.
Our Training Archive if you are unable to attend any of our live training sessions or want to listen again.
Our administration section includes:
Videos to support making registrations and entries, understanding resit rules, the Key Dates Schedule and the Provider Approval Process
Support documents including all the Provider Approval forms, quality assurance and monitoring, fees and key dates.
Do not forget, if you need to contact us about T Levels you can do so by the Pearson Support Portal. The portal is an online tool you can use to raise your query and track its progress. We will inform you once a member of the team has a reply for you.
Go to the Pearson Support Portal.