Special consideration where practical assessment cannot take place | Pearson qualifications

Applying for special consideration where practical assessment cannot take place

3 May 2012

For GCSE PE Full Course (5PE02) and GCSE PE Short Course (5PE04), when candidates are unable to participate in the moderation day/final assessment due to illness or injury, you can apply for special consideration.

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Before you request special consideration, the candidate must have completed 50% of the qualification - that is, the theory (40%) and the whole of the Analysis of Performance (AoP), including the Personal Exercise Programme (PEP), (12%).

When applying for special consideration using the JCQ/SC form 10, you'll also need to include all of the following:

  • A PE2AS form with the estimated mark(s) for each practical activity the candidate(s) has been unable to participate in or complete due to illness or injury. Under ‘Est Mark’, you should state the estimated mark for the activity. Under ‘TE Mark’, please put ‘X’. 
  • A completed PE2MS form with the final formal assessment mark for all activities the candidate(s) has been able to complete and an ‘X’ against the activity/activities not completed. 
  • The relevant medical certificate(s) and doctor’s note(s).

The PE2AS and PE2MS can be downloaded from the GCSE PE page - you'll find them in the course materials under ‘controlled assessment’.

The PE and Sport community has some examples of completed forms.

If you've already completed a special consideration request without including the PE2AS and PE2MS forms, please email the completed forms to uk.special.requirements@pearson.com.

For general assistance, please contact the PE assessment team at physicaleducation@pearson.com.  


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