Confirmation of extensions to Pearson BTEC Higher Nationals (UK only) | Pearson qualifications

Confirmation of extensions to Pearson BTEC Higher Nationals (UK only)

Fri May 15 11:10:58 UTC 2015

The review of our QCF BTEC Higher National qualifications is now complete, and new review dates have been confirmed. 

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Following on from our March and April updates, we can confirm that the review of our suite of BTEC Higher National qualifications on the Qualifications and Credit Framework (QCF) has been completed. Here is a list of the extended Higher National qualifications and their new review dates.

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If you're already offering HNs, the specific Higher National qualification approvals that you had in 2014 will continue in line with these new review dates.

Frequently asked questions

You can continue to publicise the qualifications that you have approval to deliver. If you currently have the facility to register learners on Edexcel Online, you can continue to do this. Learn more about Edexcel Online

You should register learners within one month of enrolment. Where no registrations are made within two years of the approval date, approval may be withdrawn and you'll need to re-apply for it. 

Certificates won't be issued until the assessment outcomes of the programme have been quality assured against specifications using the Pearson quality assurance process.

You should ensure that all tracking documentation and assessment and internal verification records are up to date and complete at all times. All such records should be accessible to your Standards Verifier and retained by your centre for 3 years following the certification of each learner.

For up-to-date information about our quality assurance processes for these qualifications, you should regularly check the quality assurance section of our website.

If you have any questions about Higher National extensions, email


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