Make BTEC Work for your students

With options events getting closer, we are here to support you in your conversations about BTEC. Our free BTEC Options tool is easy to use and interactive; designed specially to help you talk to learners and parents about next steps. What’s more, you can easily focus on the specific BTEC courses offered by your college to get customised information by subject area. 

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BTEC Works Guide

BTEC Works Guide thumbnails

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Download the latest BTEC Works Guide to help parents and students:

  • explore the broad range of BTEC subjects from Sport to Travel
  • discover how BTEC offers progression whatever a student’s chosen pathway
  • learn how BTEC’s focus on skilled-based learning offers an effective path to career success.

 Download your copy of the BTEC Student Guide (PDF | 2.3MB)

BTEC Works posters

BTEC Works posters thumbnails

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See how BTEC learners have successfully applied the knowledge and skills that employers and universities are looking for.

  • each full colour poster features a successful BTEC student and their inspirational story
  • poster packs come with two copies of each poster
  • perfect for putting up around your centre.