Improvements to assessment admin for BTEC Firsts and Nationals

As a result of feedback from BTEC teaching professionals, we’ve made further improvements to BTEC assessment admin for September 2016.

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What this means for you and your team:

  1. Improved Standards Verification
  2. Simpler internal assessment paperwork
  3. Improved Sampling

Here’s a summary of all the improvements we’ve made to your BTEC admin support:

Supporting BTEC Assessment teams

Supporting BTEC Assessment teams
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Improved Standards Verification (SV)

We will: So you can:
allocate the same Standards Verifier to all your BTEC First and Nationals programmes (current and new qualifications) in the same subject   have consistent advice and support on standards from a single subject expert.
invest in more training, standardization and monitoring for your Standards Verifier

be confident your SV is up to date, informed and responsive.

start the allocation process earlier

start working with your SV much earlier in the year.

To find out if your Standards Verifier has been allocated and who they are visit

Simpler internal assessment paperwork

We have: So you can:
reduced paperwork by:
  • combining documents into one template 
  • creating a single template for Assignment Briefs for BTEC Firsts and Nationals
  • removing repetitive signatures on internal verification paperwork
  • making the Assessment Record easier to follow


Spend less time overall on assessment admin and more time with your learners.

We have: So you can:
BTEC Nationals (2016)
sample every programme 
receive early feedback on your samples and be confident in the new standard.

BTEC Nationals (2010)

keep your LIV accreditation and sampling the same

have consistency – plus the benefits of a single SV.

BTEC First (2012 & 2013)

keep the same approach to sampling 

have consistency – plus the benefits of a single SV.

View our new streamlined internal assessment paperwork

View the FAQs relating to the changes

Give us your feedback

We’re keen to have your feedback on the improvements we’ve made.

Feedback now