Children, Young People and Families Practitioner (L4) | Pearson qualifications

New apprenticeships Children, Young People and Families Practitioner (L4)

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About the role

As a Children, Young People and Families Practitioner you will be working with children, young people and families, including carers, to achieve positive and sustainable change in their lives.

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You will demonstrate a passion to care for and about children, young people and families. You will take the lead in developing and delivering the child's placement plan and will work with the child to support their health, education, social and day to day needs, playing a significant role in helping them to thrive and fulfil their potential. By supporting the confidence and skills of children, young people and families you will help them to overcome barriers and maximise their independence.

You could be working in a number of settings e.g. a children’s home, a residential special school or a secure children’s home or in settings as diverse as family homes, youth centres, early years, youth justice, children's centres, educational settings and the community.You may work with particular age groups, across the full age range or specifically with families.

The standard has two options:

  • Option 1: Practitioner in Children's Residential Care
  • Option 2: Children, Young People and Families Practitioner within the Community



We provide a clear learning programme to take apprentices from entry through to the gateway for end-point assessment.

You can use our on-programme offer regardless of whether you are using Pearson as your end-point assessment organisation or not.



End-point assessment

End-point assessment

As an ESFA-approved Assessment Organisation, we provide a full range of assessment services, resources and support from our experienced EPA team to equip you and your learners with the diverse requirements of the apprenticeship standards.

You can use Pearson as your end-point assessment organisation, regardless of whether you choose to use our on-programme offer or not.

Children Young People and Families Practitioner Community Credly badge

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Digital credentials

Children Young People and Families Practitioner Residential Care Credly badge

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Training and support

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Become and independent end-point assessor

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