AS and A level Physics - Lists of data, formulae and relationships
This update is to notify teachers that we have revised the 'Lists of data, formulae and relationships' booklets for A level and AS Physics.
AS and A level Physics - Lists of data, formulae and relationships
The 'Lists of data, formulae and relationships' for AS and A level Physics were published when we first released our specifications. Revised versions were subsequently released in 2017 to correct some typos. These lists also appear at the back of the exam papers. Once exam papers started to be written, the lists of data, formulae and relationships were slightly adapted in the exam papers.
We have therefore revised the 'Lists of data, formulae and relationships' booklets on the website. This will ensure that these follow the format used in exam papers and make sure there are no discrepancies between the two lists.
If you have existing copies of the booklets, they can still be used. Note, only clean copies of booklets should be used in exams.
Subject advisor
Irine Muhiuddin
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GCSE Physics and Combined Science Equation Sheet
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International GCSE Physics Equations Support News