Why Switch to Pearson?

Information to help you understand the key changes to GCSEs following Ofqual reforms.
The newly developed GCSEs in English and maths from first teaching September 2015 are being taught in schools in England now, the first results are due summer 2017. All our newly developed GCSEs in further subjects are being introduced from first teaching September 2016, 2017 and 2018.
New grading scale
A new grading scale of 9 to 1 will be used, with 9 being the top grade. This will allow greater differentiation between students, and will help distinguish the new GCSEs from previous versions.
Assessment mainly by exam
Assessment will be mainly by exam, with other types of assessment used only where they are needed to test essential skills.
New and more demanding content
There will be new, more demanding content, which has been developed by government and the exam boards.
Two years of study
Courses will be designed for 2 years of study; they will no longer be divided into different modules, and students will take all their exams in one period at the end of their course.
Foundation and higher tiers
Exams can only be split into 'foundation tier' and 'higher tier' if one exam paper does not give all students the opportunity to show their knowledge and abilities.
Resit opportunities
Resit opportunities will only be available each November in English language and maths.