This exemplar library has been created to make accessing our exemplar materials more effective and straightforward. 

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This library contains exemplar materials for GCSE Design and Technology non-examined assessment (NEA), organised by assessment criteria grids and separated into levels. For each grid and level, you can access a PDF booklet with exemplars and written commentary to support the level. 

We hope that this layout will make our exemplar materials more accessible, exemplify the required work for different levels and aid the process of internal marking and standardisation at your centre. 


In this section, you can access exemplar materials for the investigation section, which includes the following 2 sub-sections. Click on 1.1 or 1.2 to access exemplar materials for that section at different levels.  

1.1 Investigation of needs and research
1.2 Specification


In this section, you can access exemplar materials for the Design section, which includes the following 5 sub-sections. Click on 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 or 2.5 to access exemplar materials for that section at different levels.  

2.1 Design ideas
2.2 Review of initial ideas
2.3 Development of design ideas into a chosen design
2.4 Communication of design ideas
2.5 Review of chosen design


In this section, you can access exemplar materials for the investigation section, which includes the following 3 sub-sections. Click on 3.1a, 3.1b or 3.2 to access exemplar materials for that section at different levels.  

3.1a Manufacture - selection of materials
3.1b Manufacture - skills and processes
3.2 Quality and accuracy


In this section, you can access exemplar materials for the investigation section, which includes the following sub-sections. Click on 4.1 to access exemplar materials for that section at different levels.  

4.1 Testing and evaluation