Progress with BTEC Firsts

Learn more about how studying BTEC Firsts can help open doors to further learning and career goals.
Taken as part of a balanced curriculum, BTEC Firsts provide a tried-and-trusted progression route to further study, to an apprenticeship or into employment.
We'd like to introduce you to some award-winning BTEC learners who have studied BTEC Firsts alongside their GCSEs as a stepping stone to career success.
Meet Hashmi Hussain: Outstanding BTEC Health and Social Care Student of the Year 2013
Hashmi studied a BTEC Level 2 First in Health and Social Care alongside his GCSEs, balancing his studies with his roles as Deputy Head Boy and Anti-Bullying Ambassador for his school.
He has progressed to Sixth Form College to study A levels to make his chosen career in medicine a reality.
Read Hashmi’s story.
Meet Fridah Nzaba: Outstanding BTEC Engineering Student of the Year 2013
Fridah achieved a Distinction* in her BTEC Level 2 First Diploma in Engineering and went on to study a BTEC Level 3 National Subsidiary Diploma in Engineering alongside her A levels in Physics, Maths and Business Studies.
By showing proactive thinking and gaining outstanding grades, she secured a place on the prestigious Rolls Royce Aerospace Higher Apprenticeship scheme.
Read Fridah's story.