Education and Training update - August 2020
An update on everything new within the Education and Training sector.
Learning Mentor and Assessor Coach
For the specifications of these apprenticeship standard visit the associated pages on our website.
Updated additional guidance on student teachers on CET, AET and Assessor courses disrupted due to COVID-19 (19 - 5 August 2020)
The Education and Training Foundation is mindful of the demands of the current situation which is still highly disruptive to the delivery of ITE qualifications. They issued some guidance in March to help Awarding Organisations manage their programmes through the difficult times. This is outlined in the sections below.
As the situation is still problematic, we are herewith issuing an update to that guidance to allow training to continue as practicably as possible whilst retaining quality. Training providers are finding resourceful means of keeping programmes going and courses have recruited since the Covid situation began. It is only proper that we give some steer to how this might develop.
Hence this guidance covers reasonable adjustment and applies to all programmes currently running, or in the case of AET and Assessor courses, to those starting in August or September, and for CET courses where they start and finish before end September 2020.
This does not apply to anyone outside these criteria and if current conditions persist, we will be issuing yet more guidance. Further guidance relating to the Level 5 DET will also be issued as and when required.
Level 3 Award in Education and Training
Confirmation that remotely assessed micro teaches are permissible using digital means. Learner evidence should be retained and made available for internal and external quality assurance purposes together with the records of formative and summative assessment. File formats such as video, CD/DVD, audio recordings, e-portfolio are acceptable. If you have concerns about file storage, please speak to your allocated Standards Verifier prior to delivery.
Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training
Remote delivery can be reckonable for teaching practice where robust records are evidenced including of learner engagement: simple creation of remotely delivered materials is insufficient, there must be evidence of learner engagement. It is also reckonable on a 1:1 basis.
Remote observation of face to face teaching is permissible. Observation where the delivery is remote will have to take the form of assessment of materials created and any interactions alongside a professional discussion.
Assessor awards
Assessed observations can be conducted remotely. Observation where the assessment itself is remote will have to take the form of assessment of any interactions alongside a professional discussion.
As previously, these are temporary measures, and we expect centres to adhere to the regular guidance and rules once the wider situation returns to normal. Moreover, it is incumbent upon Awarding Organisations to ensure any adjustments are implemented in a quality assured manner and all criteria are robust.
ETF remains committed to a reliable ITE and Assessor qualification framework during these uncertain times and is grateful to Awarding Organisations for their diligence in ensuring we retain a credible system.
Can the relaxations be adapted to the Level 3 Certificate in Learning and Development?
Yes. Observations can be conducted remotely. Some of the competence-based units also feature in the Education and Training qualifications. Centres are encouraged to make effective use of technology to gather witness testimony, undertake professional discussions with learners, and screenshare work-based evidence. Where material is confidential, this could be viewed prior to the assessment with reference to the viewed material during the discussion and feedback.
Are there any changes to the IQA qualifications?
Yes. Observations for the competence-based units can be conducted remotely.
How can we ensure compliance?
The centre should make effective use of standardisation activities to disseminate information to team members to clarify specific requirements as specified by the Education and Training Foundation and by Pearson. Internal verification activities should feature in checking assessor compliance.
How should we store learner evidence captured by audio/video?
Learner evidence should be retained and made available for internal and external quality assurance purposes together with the records of formative and summative assessment. File formats such as video, CD/DVD, audio recordings, e-portfolio are acceptable. If you have concerns about file storage, please speak to your allocated Standards Verifier prior to delivery.