Submitting A level coursework in Summer 2018 for Component 3 (Practical Performance)
This update contains a quick summary of how to submit A level coursework marks for component 3 (Practical Performance). It includes a reminder of the submission deadline, the materials you need to send to the moderator, and lots of other useful advice and links.
When will my moderator contact me?
Your moderator should be in contact with you very shortly to arrange the moderation day or where to send video evidence.
The moderation for component 3 will take place by:
- a centre visit - either an individual centre visit or two centres working together or
- a video evidence - recordings should be continuous and unedited for each performance. Please note that edited ‘highlights’ of a candidate is not an acceptable form of evidence.
The centre must inform the moderator during the first contact their chosen method of moderation.
When is the moderation window?
The moderation window is 1 March – 5 May, and a moderator will discuss with you a suitable date for you and the moderator to visit your centre. If you are submitting video evidence then you need to send the videos off to the moderator by 1 May 2018.
Moderation arrangements
A moderator will organise a moderation visit to take place between 1st March and 4th May, or, if being moderated by video evidence, they will provide information as to where and when to submit the evidence. Initially, the moderator will contact each centre by telephone/email. The Initial Contact Questionnaire (ICQ) should be completed by the centre as soon as possible and sent to the visiting moderator so that the moderation day can be planned effectively. Without the ICQ sheet, the moderation visit cannot be arranged. The questionnaire can be found below:
A moderation date will be agreed. The visiting moderator will send a copy of form E14 confirming the date and time of the visit to the centre. The centre must email/post to the moderator a provisional programme for the day.
During the visit the moderator will want to sample at least 60% of the activities offered by the centre. For each activity the moderator will be required to see at least the top, middle and lowest scoring candidates. If the activity is offered by three or fewer candidates, the moderator will need to see all candidates.
The activities shown on the day will be negotiated between the centre(s) and the moderator but will be based on the information provided in the ICQ, therefore it is important that the information is as accurate as possible. However, the centre must be able to provide evidence for every candidate (should the moderator request it).
The moderator is required to sample several activities and different roles (if applicable) on the day. It is possible that these requirements will not all fit into the normal school timetable and therefore the length of the school day may need to be extended. The centre and the candidates should be mindful that there may be an extension to the length of the normal school day.
When do I need to submit my final marks on edexcelonline?
Centres are required to submit the final marks (via Edexcel Online) for Component 3: Practical Performance for each candidate 15 days (minimum) before the moderator visit. A moderation visit cannot be arranged without the final marks being submitted.
How do I submit my coursework marks to Pearson?
You can no longer submit marks on an OPTEMS form (optically scanned mark sheets) so all marks must be submitted online via Edexcel Online.
Important: You may need to amend your Edexcel Online access to allow you to submit coursework marks online. To do this your exams officer will need to go into your Edexcel Online account and under ‘profiles’ tick the box next to ‘Coursework and Portfolio’. If they also tick the ‘Results’ box you will be able to view your E9 moderator report on results day.
After submitting marks online you should print out a copy of the marks for the moderator and a copy for your own records.
Where is the Edexcel Online link?
Links can be found on the Edexcel website.
If you need to be set up with an Edexcel Online account please ask your exams officer.
If you've forgotten your Edexcel Online password you can generate a new one.
What happens if I make an error when submitting coursework marks?
If you have already submitted a mark but it needs to be amended (eg because of an administrative error), please email with details of the student and amended point score.
When will I be able to access Edexcel Online to submit marks?
You should be able to start submitting marks from March 2018.
Where is the mark scheme?
This may seem obvious, but we always get a lot of queries asking where the mark scheme is. The mark scheme can be found in the Practical Performance Assessment Guide.
I hope you've found this update useful. If you have any further questions about the submission of coursework, please do not hesitate to contact me.