GCSE PE (9-1) moderation queries
I have received many queries from teachers who would like more information about the GCSE PE (9-1) moderation process and what and when video evidence is needed. Here are the responses to some FAQs.
The moderation process
Is there a moderation window for the new GCSE PE specification?
There appears to be some confusion about the term ‘moderation window’ for the new GCSE PE specification. Currently, candidates must be formally assessed during a moderation window (1 March–5 May). In the new specification, the formal assessment of candidates in their practical activities (and PEP) can be carried out at any point; there are no set dates in which you must formally assess them. So for assessing candidates there is no ‘moderation window’ - you can assess at a convenient time to you.
For the new GCSE PE specification, you will continue to have a visiting moderator (providing you have a minimum of 20 candidates). The moderator will visit a centre to moderate a sample of candidates and this will take place between certain dates - 1 March–5 May.
All candidates must be formally assessed before the moderator visits and you must submit the final marks for all candidates to us before the moderator visits. In the new specification the moderator will moderate the marks awarded by the centre.
Video evidence for GCSE PE
Again there have been many queries about the video evidence that needs to be produced by the centre. What video evidence needs to be produced a) before the moderator visits, and b) on moderation day?
Before moderation day, what video evidence needs to be produced?
If an activity cannot be shown on the moderation day there must be video evidence. If a centre can show an activity on the day then your centre does not need to provide video evidence before the moderation day.
Let's say for example I offer football, hockey, badminton, trampolining, horse riding and skiing. If the moderator asked to see football, badminton trampolining and skiing, I would have to be able to show these 4 activities live on moderation day or show video evidence. I would not have to provide any video evidence for the other activities. The guidance is that if you know that you cannot show an activity live on moderation day you must collect video evidence. For example if you go skiing abroad in February half term, you must collect video evidence of every child because you will be unable to show it live on moderation day.
The new process will be similar to the current one, whereby there will be a discussion between the teacher and the moderator to determine the activities shown on moderation day, but a moderator must be able to moderate every activity you offer, either in a live setting or through video evidence.
On moderation day, what video evidence needs to be collected?
At the moment if there is a discrepancy between a teacher's marking and a moderator's marking, then the moderator's marks will stand, and a centre cannot challenge those marks because there is no evidence. This is not fair to the centres – so, in order to be able to request an EAR, on moderation day, every activity, and every candidate who is part of the sample must be videoed. Centres must video the students in the sample on moderation day. This is to support an EAR if requested. If your centre does not record on moderation day you will not be able to request an EAR (see page 26 of the specification).