GCSE GCE PE - February update | Pearson qualifications

GCSE GCE PE - February update

Fri Feb 16 10:05:00 UTC 2024

In this GCSE/GCE PE update I would like to provide some further information on 

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GCSE/GCE PE - Are you prepared for Summer 2024 moderation? 

The moderation window is from 1 March – 5 May and you should hear from your moderator by the end of February. If you have not heard from your moderator by 1 March, please let me know and I will chase it up. 

There are a few documents and forms that you should be familiar with: 

The Instructions for the Conduct of NEA guidance document – this document explains the dates and deadlines as well as the processes and procedures for the moderation process.  In the document it also provides guidance about what to do if a candidate is injured before/on moderation day. 

GCSE PE - Instructions for the Conduct of NEA document

GCE PE - Instructions for the Conduct of NEA document

All centres must complete an Initial Contact Questionnaire (ICQ).  Moderators will ask for this form to be completed as soon as they contact you – this is where you can propose a moderation date as well as providing more information about the number of candidates and types of activities being assessed at your centre. 

Authentication form – all candidates must complete an authentication form for both Component 3 and Component 4.   

Component 3 – for the moderation day all authentication forms must be available for the moderator to see.  

Component 4 – you only need to upload the authentication form for those learners who are part of the sample, but you must have a completed form for every other learner and keep them all safe and secure in your centre.  

PE2MS form – For GCSE PE (only) you must complete the PE2MS form and send it to the moderator at least 15 days before your agreed moderation visit.  At the same time you must upload the final marks for Component 3 on EdexcelOnline. A moderator will not be able to visit your centre/carry out a moderation visit if the final marks have not been uploaded on EdexcelOnline 

For A level – all marks for Component 3 must be uploaded on EdexcelOnline before the moderator visits your centre for moderation. 

All GCSE PE forms for moderation

All GCE PE forms for moderation

GCSE PE  - ALL centres can have a live/visiting moderation 

As part of our continuous commitment to improve our assessment and customer experience, we have decided to offer a live moderation visit to all centres entered with Pearson in the 2024 examination series for GCSE PE 1PE0_03. This means we will no longer require a minimum of 15 candidates in the cohort to request a live moderation visit. All centres entered in the 2024 examination series are now entitled to a live moderation visit by a Visiting Moderator, regardless of their cohort size. 
However, centres will still have the option to request a digital submission on Learner Work Transfer (LWT) via Edexcel Online if they wish to do so. A guidance document on the submission process can be found here. 
The type of moderation, a live visit or digital submission, should be clarified between the centre and your allocated Visiting Moderator during their initial contact stage in February 2024, before the moderation window begins on 1st March.  

Training session to prepare for the exams for GCSE PE 

We have set up a free course to offer support to help you prepare for the GCSE PE Summer exams .  If you are new to Pearson or an experienced member of staff, why not join the free course so that you are ready for the summer? 

Event code Event Title Date Time Register
1PE0-2404/01 GCSE PE - Preparing for the Summer exam 29/02/2024 16.00 - 18.00 Register

Support sessions for GCSE PE mdoeration.

In addition to the training session, I have set up a support session to help teachers preparare for the moderation process for GCSE PE. In this support session I will explain expectations and requirements the moderation for Component 3 and Component 4, and it will  also be an opportunity for you to ask any questions.

Qualification Title Date Time Register
GCSE PE Are you prepared for the GCSE Moderation process? 28/02/2024 08.00 - 08.45 Register
GCSE PE Are you prepared for GCSE PE moderation process 01/03/2024 14.00 - 14.45 Register

GCSE PE - Moderation for Component 4: PEP 

For Component 4: PEP - you will not have any contact with a moderator.  Mid- April you will be able to look on EdexcelOnline and there will be a tick by the candidates who are part of the sample.  You must upload the work for every candidate who is part of the sample on Learner Work Transfer by 15 May. The only time you may have to upload additional learner work would be if the candidate with the highest and lowest mark has not be selected - in this scenario you would also have to upload their work.  

Learner Work Transfer

Do you have a query and want to discuss it with me?

If you have any queries about any of the BTEC in Sport and GCSE/GCE PE qualifications, why not book an appointment with me and I will be able to support you.

Book an appointment at a convenient time for you

I look forward to supporting you with the delivery and assessment of the PE and Sport qualifications. 

Best wishes



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