GCSE and A level PE redevelopment
The DfE has now published revised content for both A level and GCSE PE. Find out more in this update.
You can see details of the revised content on the DfE website (you'll find links at the bottom of the page).
One of the changes from the draft to the revised version is the weightings for GCSE PE. For GCSE PE, the weightings are now 60% theory, 40% practical.
Candidates will offer 3 practical activities in the role of player/performer. One of these must be a team sport or activity and one must be an individual sport or activity. The third activity may come from either list. Candidates can only be assessed once in any sport or activity, so for example they may not be assessed in doubles tennis and then singles tennis.
Follow the links below to view the revised subject content, activity list and assessment objectives. You can also see the feedback from the consultation.
- A level PE revised subject content and activity list
- GCSE PE revised subject content and activity list
- Government response to the consultation on art and design, dance, music, computer science and PE
- Assessment of the equalities impact of new subject content for art and design, dance, music, computer science and PE
- Assessment objectives for A level and GCSE PE
