Edexcel A level Music and Music Technology: March 2018 update
Read the latest information on Edexcel A level Music and Music Technology, including key dates and latest news.
Final dates for submission of coursework and controlled assessment
The final date for submitting work for the summer 2018 series is 15 May 2018.
By 15 May 2018, you must have submitted your coursework/controlled assessment to the examinerr. Your examiner’s name and address will be available on Edexcel online from mid-April.
The administrative support guide gives details of how to present the work for the examiner.
For each music candidate you will need to complete a Performing Authentication Sheet (PAS) and a Composing Authentication Sheet (CAS).
For each music technology candidate you should ensure that the logbook is completed and that the authentication statements are signed.
Music Technology
What are the grade boundaries?
The controlled assessment and coursework grades will be awarded at the end of each examination series using the standard code of practice awarding process.
Grade boundaries, which are subject to change each exam series, are published on the website on the grade boundaries page. For summer 2018, they'll be available to download from results day: 16 August 2018 for AS and A levels.
To receive a result for a linear qualification, all of the marks achieved from different components are added together and the candidate receives a grade for the qualification. There is no need for a uniform mark scale - a single grade is issued to each candidate.
Who is my examiner and what is their address?
Examiners are randomly allocated to centres. You will be able to find out your examiner’s name and address from early April via Edexcel Online.
Your centre will receive a stationery send which will contain envelopes suitable for sending controlled assessment to the moderator.
When are the summer exams (UK centres)?
This information is also available on our exam timetables page. International centres should consult the international exam timetables which are available on the international exam timetables page.
When are the briefs assessing technique sent to centres?
Briefs assessing technique are sent to centres during March based on the registrations your centre has made. These can be released to candidates to be completed in a maximum of six hours controlled conditions from 1 April.
What is the length of each brief assessing technique?
The length of the Bachchorale brief and the two-part counterpoint brief is given on the front sheet of the briefs released on 1 September on the Pearson website. Bach chorale will count towards 2 minutes 10 seconds and two-part counterpoint will count towards 2 minutes 40 seconds. The remix and arrangement briefs must be at least one minute in length. The total combined time of the briefs assessing technique and the free composition must be at least 6 minutes, otherwise it will receive 0 marks.
Can students use Sibelius or similar software?
Yes. Score writing packages can be used but you must ensure that any plug ins to identify parallel 5ths or 8ves must be disabled. There should also be no access to the internet on the computer.
Are students allowed access to keyboards when completing the briefs assessing technique?
Yes. These would need to be connected to headphones so that other students are not disturbed.
How can students record Bach chorales?
The recording must be completed within the maximum six hours controlled conditions and can be a computer generated MIDI recording, performed on keyboard/piano or a vocal recording.
Key Dates
Date | Event |
1 April 2018 | 9MU0/02 A level Music (2016) Briefs Assessing Techniques received by centres in hard copy format only |
1 April 2018 | 6MU05 A level Music (2008) Technical Study briefs received by centres in hard copy format only for resit purposes only |
15 May 2018 | Final date for submission of coursework, marks and moderation samples |
22 May 2018 | 8MU0/03 AS level Music (2016): Appraising exam |
22 May 2018 | 6MU03 AS level Music (2008): Developing Musical Understanding exam |
24 May 2018 | 8MT0/03 AS level Music Technology (2017): Listening and analysing exam |
24 May 2018 | 6MT02 AS level Music Technology (2008): Listening and Analysing exam |
1 June 2018 | 8MT0/01 and 9MT0/01 AS and A level Music Technology (2017) Recording briefs released online for assessment in summer 2019 |
6 June 2018 | 8MT0/04 AS level Music Technology (2017): Producing and analysing exam |
6 June 2018 | 6MT04 A level Music Technology (2008): Analysing and Producing exam |
18 June 2018 | 9MU0/03 A level Music (2016): Appraising exam |
15 August 2018 | Results available to centres through Edexcel Online |
16 August 2018 | Results released to candidates |
Results released to candidates |
Results released to candidates |