BTEC Firsts in Music: July 2016 update
Read the latest information on BTEC Firsts in Music, including key dates. This update will also cover details on preparing for results day.
The question papers for this summer's external assessments are now available to download and the mark scheme for these will be available online on 19 July. The Examiner's report will be available from results day.
Enquiries about results (EAR) and understanding marks for summer 2016
Enquiries about results (EAR)
If you're a centre with a concern about a student's results, you can use our post-results services. We have details about these services and their cost online.
Visit the Post-results services pages
Understanding marks
Get an overview of how we mark assessments and consistently award grades that fairly reflect a learner's performance. This includes setting grade boundaries and converting raw marks to UMS.
Visit the Understanding marks pages
Key Dates
Date | Event |
24 August 2016 | Results released to candidates for May/June 2016 exam series |
2 September 2016 | Access to Scripts Photocopy (ATSC) deadline |
20 September 2016 | Enquiry About Results (EAR) and Access to Scripts Post Review (ATSPE) deadline |
4 October 2016 | Access to Scripts Original (ATSO) deadline |
31 October 2016 | Certificates received by centres no later than |
I hope you have found this information useful.