T Level July Update
Please find useful updates on general T Level issues as well as specific details about our Digital Production design and Development offer.
Results Day 2023
Pearson are responsible for delivering the two components (Core Component and Occupational Specialist Component) of the Technical Qualification for the T Level in Digital Production, Design and Development.
The Department for Education (DfE) are responsible for the Industry Placement.
As part of our responsibility for these components Pearson also deliver assessment and results for the following components:
- Core Component; which consists of the Core Examination (Paper 1 and Paper 2) and Employer Set Project.
- Occupational Specialism
Pearson will send component results to Providers on the 16 August 2023 via the EOL mailbox. This will consist of a Statement of Results (1 PDF per student) and a broadsheet of results for all students at the centre across all Technical Qualification components. The release of these component results to students are embargoed until 17 August 2023. Component results are not the same as overall T Level Results information, which will be provided by the DfE through the Manage T Level Results Service.
Pearson also will transfer all component results to the DfE, who are responsible for the following elements:
- Aggregating and issuing the overall T Level grade (this includes results from the two Technical Qualification components and the completion of the Industry Placement)
- Issuing T Level Certificates and Statements of Achievement
- Transfer of T Level grades to UCAS
For more information on these areas, please check out the DfE’s
T Levels support for schools and colleges pages
or contact the DfE using the ‘Contact Us’ option at the bottom of that page
If you have queries specifically relating to the Manage T Level Results Service, please contact tlevel.resultsandcertification@education.gov.uk.
Network Events
Our Q&A Networks will restart in the Autumn term; you can book via our T Level Live Training page.
If you would like anything specific to be covered or have questions, then please ask in the Facebook Group or contact me directly.
Keep an eye on our website over the summer as we will be launching Curriculum Planners and other support materials for the Digital T Level.
Please do have a read of the latest T-Level news and subscribe going forward.
Please provide us with feedback on our support offer:
For Level 3 Reform news please read our website summary:
For information on our full T Level offer and all sorts of useful links for Providers, Employers, Students and Parents see our T Level homepage:
Subject advisor
Tim Brady
Computer Science and ICT Subject Advisor