T Level April Update
Please find useful updates on general T Level issues as well as specific details about our Digital Production design and Development offer.
A network event for IT & Computing Level 3 reforms will take place on 3rd May at 16:00 to 17:00
Remember that there are several versions of the specification now as it is reviewed/revised annually, you need to be careful to match the delivery for your students with the correct version of the specification, there are 3 versions available and you can find all three on the Digital Production, Design and Development webpage below:
Digital Production, Design and Development
Current key dates schedule can be found below:
T Levels Digital Key Dates Schedule (2022-2024)
New ESP exemplar materials have been published under the heading 'Student exemplar response for ESP' on the website here:
Please do have a read of the latest T-Level news and subscribe going forward.
Please provide us with feedback on our support offer:
For Level 3 reform news please read our website summary:
For information on our full T Level offer and all sorts of useful links for providers, employers, students and parents see our T Level homepage:
Subject advisor
Tim Brady
Computer Science and ICT Subject Advisor