Submitting Controlled Assessment for Summer 2017 | Pearson qualifications

Submitting Controlled Assessment for Summer 2019

Tue Apr 30 14:16:00 UTC 2019

Here you will find a reminder of the processes for preparing your students' work, key deadlines and important reference materials.

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Final date for submission of coursework

For the following qualifications, the final date for submitting your marks and samples of work for the summer 2017 series is 15 May 2019

  • CiDA Level 2 (Unit 2, Unit 3 or Unit 4)
  • GCE Applied ICT (all internally assessed units)

Submission of centre-assessed marks

The helpful links below will help you to understand how to access Edexcel Online (EOL) in order to add the marks for your students:

video guide

PDF guide 

Where is the Edexcel Online link?

Links can be found on the Edexcel website.

Access Edexcel Online

If you need to be set up with an Edexcel Online account please ask your exams officer.

If you’ve forgotten your Edexcel Online password you can generate a new one.

Get new password

What happens if I make an error when submitting controlled assessment marks?

If you have already submitted a mark but it needs to be amended (eg because of an administrative error), please email with details of the student and amended point score.

When will I be able to access Edexcel Online to submit marks and see the requested sample?

You should be able to start submitting marks now but different qualifications and centres start to see the selected sample in April by the end of April everyone should see the samples.

How do I identify the sample of work that needs to be sent to the moderator?

When you log in to Edexcel Online and go to the controlled assessment mark submission screen there will be a tick next to the candidates' names that need to be sent for moderation. You also need to send the work of the highest- and lowest-scoring candidates if they are not part of the requested sample.

If, for some reason, you're unable to send the work for a particular student, you should send the work of an equivalent student with a similar mark. You should also write a note to the moderator explaining the reason for the change.

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Who is my moderator and what is their address?

Moderators are randomly allocated to centres. You will be able to find out your moderator’s name and address from early April via Edexcel Online.

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Important documents


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