January Update
Welcome to 2023 happy new year to you and your students family and colleagues. We are getting to grips with actual exams series and upcoming moderation series in new and existing qualification I hope these notes will provide support and help you to navigate the opportunities that are up and coming.
Computer Science 2020 Specification
If you are delivering, or are considering delivering, the 2020 Computer Science specification and have not already been contacted please complete the Intention to offer form below.
Please join the 1,804 colleagues currently active in the Facebook group for this qualification it is teachers only and provides the platform for free and open sharing of views resources and opinions.
Summer 2022 demonstrated that we have improved accessibility on Paper 1 and the new Paper 2 performed really well. We are now in line with other AOs in terms of grade boundaries and grade statistics. The question now is, why would everyone not, adopt our specification? – if you are convinced, please do make sure you spread the word among colleagues, moving to our specification is easily done as so much of the content is the same or similar and the practical programming aspect of our spec and the lack of a Pseudocode language are motives enough!
Feedback on 2022 paper 1 and paper 2 is available on our website
Let me know of any colleagues that would like to chat!
Appointments can be made using this link.
The PLS Version 3 is now on the wesbite see the link below. It is largely unchanged but has introducted some clarifications – there has been no increase in the scope being required – we developed a changes document right along side it to summarise precisely where any changes have been made, I am sure you will all be satisfied that this represents a consistent approach.
Component 3 exam February 1st Tech Award in DIT
Please see the JCQ document on the approach to disruption for exams.
Redeveloped 2022 Tech Award in DIT
Please review carefully the FAQs related to the new 2022 specifications here there is also a Key Dates document to help clarify scheduling to help with planning.
Here you can find a recording of the recent getting ready to teach the Digital Information Technology (DIT) , this training session will be a useful watch.
This communication (21 July 2022) is a recent update to all matters related to the new Tech Awards, it includes information about Registrations, Entries and training please do have a look at this.
I have created an old spec to new spec mapping document which is easier to use than the one embedded in the Transition guide.
Here are some interesting video resources here on our Quality Nominee Support page (scroll down to BTEC Tech Awards 2022)
Level 3 Reforms, T-Levels and Nationals
Our ongoing position on this very important topic can be followed on the webpage below.
Since the last update the DfE have published the requirements going forward for redevelopment of Level 3 qualifications see here it is fascinating reading and will guide our redevelopments which need to be done at pace this year.
DfE Guide to the post-16 qualifications landscape at level 3 and below for 2025 and beyond
Systems improvements for Learner Work Transfer
Following customer feedback, we’ve undertaken a range of system improvements for our Learner Work Transfer.
New server: we have moved to a new server for Learner Work Transfer that now enables us to handle increased capacity during peak periods.
Better user experience: we will now confirm when an upload has been completed by the introduction of a new file status called ‘Uploaded’. Once all files are in an 'Uploaded' state, you can submit your request.
Improved scanning: we have removed the ‘Scanning’ status so that this takes place in the background automatically. This means that once a file is uploaded to us, you can leave this within the system and check back to see if it has been ‘Accepted’ or 'Rejected’.
Future improvements for summer 2023: we’re working on further improvements to Learner Work Transfer which will be in effect for the summer 2023 exam series. These include:
- being able to remove a file in an ‘Uploaded’ state
- enabling a Shared Files function so that your learners can be linked to a file once it has been uploaded, rather than waiting for a file to move to an ‘Accepted’ state.
For more support with Learner Work Transfer please visit our support page.
LWT Support Page
BTEC Internationals
Two free sessions for International BTEC at L3 and L2 see below:
Information Technology International BTEC L3 9th February 9:00-11:30 Uk time
Information Technology International BTEC L2 18th April 9:00-11:30 Uk time
Higher Nationals – HNGlobal
The team at HNGlobal are constantly adding resources please take a look.
Free Training events:
Supporting level 3 centres transition to the BTEC Higher Nationals 21/02/2023
Supporting level 3 centres transition to the BTEC Higher Nationals 17/01/2023
Supporting level 3 centres transition to the BTEC Higher Nationals 16/05/2023
Supporting level 3 centres transition to the BTEC Higher Nationals 15/06/2023
Supporting level 3 centres transition to the BTEC Higher Nationals 20/04/2023
Want to work in Pearson Assessment?
Brilliant opportunity to join our student-focussed assessment team in Manchester (Hybrid working) and make an impact to the lives of young people. Please feel free to message me for more info.
Want to take part in sustainability research?
Pearson’s School Report on 'Schools Today, Schools Tomorrow' highlights the growth in awareness and concern around issues such as climate change and sustainability in schools and amongst young people. Pearson is looking at how to support schools in integrating these global issues into their curriculum.
If you would like to take part in this research and share your views, please get in touch via this short form.
Subject advisor
Tim Brady
Computer Science and ICT Subject Advisor