Earlier Publication of PSAs
In response to feedback we have decided to publish our Pearson Set Assignments earlier. One month earlier for both the annual assessment windows these new dates are captured in the revised Key Dates Schedule.
For Dec/Jan session PSA published early September
For May/June session PSA published early January.
Support Index
This Support Index is incredibly useful for a new qualification like our 2022 Tech Awards, some of the documents are specifically relevant to teachers and some are more useful for Exams Officers but it is good that all of you have access to these articles:
Support Index
Complimentary Training events
We have ondemand training sessions available in a pre-recorded format for you to view.
Marking and Moderation for Internally Assessed Components
Dec/Jan Session
Results for the internally assessed componets were released 22nd/23rd March. You can access your final Moderator reports as shown in this helpful guide
Accessing & Downloading Moderator Reports
If you have problems you can apply for Review of Moderation Service 3 from results day and up to 20th April, more details can be seen at the webpage below:
Post-results Services
NB: Re-Entry for Resit
If you want to re-enter a student who had not achieved to poptential in the Dec/Jan series in the May/Jun series the entry normal deadline of 21st February is extended to 1st April.
May/Jun Session
The ASG is the primary source for control conditions information. If you have specifc questions please come directly to me.
Administrative Support Guide DIT
Deadline for submission of Raw marks and Sample work is 1st May, many have asked for a 7 day extenstion which are being granted, extensions of more than 7 days need special approval.
See the support index referenced above for details of how to enter Raw marks into EOL, and how to upload samples using Learner Work Transfer (LWT)