BTEC Nationals January Update
General update on some issues related to the January series and other bits and pieces.

Learner Work Transfer | Submitting learner work for BTEC
Learner Work Transfer (LWT) is now open for you to upload learners’ work for some BTEC Firsts and Nationals throughout the January 2024 external assessment series. You are no longer required to upload learner work to SharePoint.
The submission deadlines vary by unit and are detailed in our
you should submit learners’ work before the end of each unit’s submission window. You can find a full list of the BTEC units using LWT in our support article.
BTEC External Assessments: LWT Guidance
We have a wealth of support available to help you navigate LWT with confidence, including a short on-demand e-learning module and a recorded webinar:
Using the Learner Work Transfer (LWT) Examination/Moderation portal
There is subject-specific guidance for uploading learner work to LWT in each unit’s administrative support guide (ASG).

New Qualifications for first teach September 2025
Our new BTEC qualifications have now been submitted for approval in England as new 'academic' (AAQs) and you can download the draft specifications and Sample Assessment Material (SAMS) on our website.
The outcomes of this funding decision will be published in July 2024, and the qualifications will be available for teaching from 1 September 2025.
Pearson have submitted BTEC Nationals Alternative Academic Qualifications (AAQs) in Computing and Information Technology among other sectors.
The RQF Nationals in IT & Computing (2016) are available at all sizes in 2024, so you can continue to teach these in confidence ahead of the implementation of AAQs in 2025.
The Level 3 reforms will impact on what is funded and what can be delivered in all English Schools and Colleges. the link below will remain our single point of truth for this program, and our place in it, and how it will impact upon you.
For information about how you can get invloved in the campaign to protect Student choice see the link below:
The RQF Nationals in IT & Computing (2016) are available at all sizes in 2024, so you can continue to teach these in confidence ahead of the implementation of AAQs in 2025.

You may wish to check your access rights in your Edexcel Online account so that you can access the information you need on results days.
Results files and their contents are confidential to the Head of Centre, examinations office staff and senior members of the teaching staff at the centre. Therefore, the Edexcel Online ‘Results’ profile is only granted to these roles, as it allows access to results files on the Wednesdays before results days.
Other teachers that need access to view results should be given ResultsPlus access by their exams officers, as this is designed to meet the needs of teachers to view and analyse the results for their own students. Results are available through ResultsPlus for teachers on the Thursday results days.

Subject advisor
Tim Brady
Computer Science and ICT Subject Advisor