February 2024 History subject update
This update contains useful information, news and advice for Edexcel History teachers, including the latest news about our changes to the GCSE History assessment model.
Edexcel GCSE History Assessment Review: keeping teachers up to date
We are currently working with Ofqual to make some minor improvements to the Edexcel GCSE History assessment model for first assessment Summer 2025. Our discussions with Ofqual are progressing well and we expect to be able to share with you the specific details of these improvements at the end of February.
We are also running a network event to outline details and to provide an opportunity for you to ask us questions. The event will take place on the following date:
- Pearson Edexcel GCSE History: improving the assessment model, 14 March 2024, 16:00 - 17:00 GMT
Summer 2024 entry deadline
The deadline for making entries for the Summer 2024 examination series is 21 February 2024 for AS, A level and GCSE. The deadline for international qualifications is 21 March 2024.
After these dates late entry fees may be charged. Please note that your exams officer will have their own internal deadlines in order to get the information necessary to make entries.
GCSE History teachers will need to use the entry code calculator to generate an entry code.
We also have several new entry codes for International GCSE History as a result of the new onscreen and modular options.
Summer 2025 provisional timetables
We published our provisional timetables for Summer 2025 on 22nd January as agreed by JCQ and all other awarding bodies. They can be found on our provisional timetables web page. The consultation window will run from 22nd January to Friday 23rd February. Please send any feedback you may have to timetables@pearson.com
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Use in Assessments: updated guidance from JCQ
The JCQ have recently updated their ‘guidance on the use of AI in assessments’ document. This guidance is designed to help students and teachers to complete NEAs, coursework and other internal assessments successfully.
Black History Walks event: How to teach GCSE Black History
Black History Walks are running an event on teaching Black History at GCSE on Saturday 2 March, 10.00am-2.00pm. The presenters will be Tony Warner and Josh Garry, two of the authors of the Pearson GCSE History textbook, Migrants in Britain, c800-present.
The session will cover:
- Resources: books, walks, talks, websites, films and networks
- How the text has been received in school by pupils, teachers and parents
- Decolonising the curriculum
- Engaging pupils, Marcus Garvey, music and Nazis
- Progress in schools since the 1970s
- African Kingdoms
- Success stories against the odds
Pearson are very pleased to be supporting the event, and we are hosting it at our 80 Strand office in central London. Tickets are £5.
Edexcel GCSE History: Supporting lower-attaining students online event
This online event is designed for teachers who are delivering our Pearson Edexcel GCSE History qualification and would like training to support lower-attaining students.
The session will take place on 27 February 2024 at 16:00 - 18:00 GMT and is priced at £40 (excl. tax).
Pearson Edexcel GCSE History: Supporting higher-attaining students
This online event is designed for teachers who are delivering our Pearson Edexcel GCSE History qualification and would like training to support higher-attaining students. The session will take place on 1 July 2024 at 16:00 - 18:00 GMT and is priced at £40 (excl. tax). Please note: this event was originally scheduled to take place in April but we've decided to move it to later in the Summer term.
Edexcel A Level History: delivering coursework network event
This session will help teachers prepare to deliver the coursework component in A Level History and will take place on 28 February 2024 at 16:00 - 17:30 GMT.
Register for Oxford’s free webinar 'Unlock Edexcel GCSE History success'
OUP are running a free event for Edexcel GCSE History teachers at 4pm on Tuesday 12th March 2024.
Find out how to refresh your Edexcel GCSE History teaching and revision with inclusive, up-to-date and accessible resources – join Aaron Wilkes and some of the series author team in a panel discussion for tips and advice on how Oxford’s approach can help students succeed in exams. Everyone registered will receive the recording. If you're unable to attend on the day you will be able to watch on-demand later.
A portrait of the teaching of the British Empire, migration and belonging in English secondary schools
This exciting new research project brings together scholars from IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society and the University of Oxford’s Department of Education. The goal of the project is to support teaching and learning about the history of the British Empire and its complex – often contested – legacies within British culture, politics and society today.
Historical Association annual conference 2024
This year’s Historical Association conference will take place in Birmingham on Friday 10 and Saturday 11 May 2024. Pearson staff will be attending the conference and we’ll be running a workshop on our review of the Edexcel GCSE History assessment model and the improvements we are making for future exam series.
Project North Star launch event
This new project is aimed at inspiring educators to explore Black history through a North-East lens. Join Project North Star at their launch event on 15 June 2024, 10am-2pm at the Hope Street Exchange, Sunderland, SR1 3QD.
The event will see the launch of the PNS website, where you can source material on Black northern history spanning from the Roman era to the present. Hear from three fantastic academics, each specialists in this field, who will share their perspectives on NE Black history. The event will also showcase a local Black history walk designed in partnership with Sunderland University.
There will also be some ‘open mic’ slots so if you’re interested in attending the event or presenting you can contact Project North Star at projectns46@gmail.com or use the form below:

Coming soon: Edexcel GCSE History student walkthroughs
We are planning to release a series of pre-recorded student walkthroughs in late March to help your students prepare for this summer’s exam series. There will be one recording for each component, and in them we’ll remind students about the structure and focus of each paper, the specific questions and what they are assessing, and we’ll suggest some general revision tips as well.
To help us prepare these walkthroughs, you are welcome to use this form to share any questions that you or your students may have about the question papers:
We hope you found this update useful and if you have any questions about our specifications, resources or assessments please email teachinghistory@pearson.com
Subject advisor
Mark Battye