January subject advisors update
The January update from your Subject Advisor
Welcome back and I hope your enjoyed your break over the holidays. I'm looking forward to the new year and all that it brings.
This update has information about results days for the Tech Award and other qualifications. There are links to the new BTEC National AAQ in Health and Social care.
Results for January 2024 exams
- Restiricted release of results to Centres on 20 March 2024
- Release of results to Learners on 21 March 2024
- This is for BTEC Nationals, Firsts and Tech Award 2022
Results for the BTEC Tech Award Health and Social Care (2022)
Moderation for December 2023
You can read all about the Moderation process for the Tech Awards . It explains how the Moderation process works and explains how the Raw marks are converted in UMS (Uniform Mark Scale) using Grade Boundaries. Remember each series the grade boundaries change.
Resit and retakes and terminal assessment
You can read information about the resit and retake requirements in the FAQs (frequently asked questions).
There is a short video explaining the process.
Resit and retakes for internal Components
Claiming Certification for the Tech Award 2022
The FAQs have all the information that you might need about claiming certification for Learners who have completed the 3 Components.
New PSA for the June Moderation
You can access the new PSA that was released on 8th January for moderation by 1st May on the website.
New BTEC National Extended Certificate in Health and Social Care (AAQ)
The new draft Specification for the new qualification is available to see and you can start to get familiar with it and start to look at how you might want to teach it.
The Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Health and Social Care (AAQ) allows students to engage in a broad investigation of various aspects of the health and social care sector. There are two mandatory examined units and one mandatory internally assessed unit. Students will select a further optional unit from the four available. The internally assessed units give students the opportunity to engage in applied knowledge and understanding tasks to develop their health and social care knowledge.
The qualification is designed to be taken alongside A levels as part of a study programme and can link to learning in A levels such as Psychology, Biology or English. It is intended for students that wish to progress into higher education as a pathway to employment.
Subject advisor
Esther Trehearn
Health and Social Care