May 2023 Politics subject update | Pearson qualifications

May 2023 Politics subject update

9 May 2023

This update contains useful information, news and advice for Edexcel Politics teachers.

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Edexcel A level Politics network pack looking at new mock papers

We recently ran a network event which looked at the new mock papers and some exemplar responses for A level Politics. The training pack for this event is now available on our website.

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Updated A level Politics specimen papers

Before the first exam series for A level Politics we produced a set of specimen papers for centres to use as mocks/practice papers. These papers were recently reviewed and updated on our website to ensure they are in line with the new mock papers made available in late 2022. The updated specimen papers can be found on the qualification page under course materials/teaching and learning materials then look for the 'specimen paper and mark scheme' drop-down. You can find a document below which details any changes made:

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Summer 2023 support

With the Summer 2023 exam series fast approaching you can visit our Summer 2023 support page to find the latest news and support on this summer’s exams.

Ofqual Student Guide 2023

Ofqual recently published their Ofqual Student Guide 2023. The guide covers both GCSEs, AS, A levels, other general qualifications, as well as vocational and technical qualifications. They have also published a condensed version of the student guide in HTML and PDF format.

Edexcel Online password refresh: reminder

Good password management is essential to maintaining the security of our systems and safeguarding important centre and learner data. To enhance security, we have revised our Edexcel Online password policy and from 7 March 2023 all Pearson Edexcel Online users will to have reset their password. The first time you use your Edexcel Online account after this date you will need to set a new password by selecting ‘forget password’. You will then receive an email asking you to set a new password.

Updated Hodder books for Edexcel A level Politics

Hodder have recently published updated versions of their textbooks for Edexcel A level Politics. There are two versions of the book which cover UK Government and Politics, Political Ideas and either US or Global Politics.

Become an examiner

It's not too late to apply to be an examiner this Summer.

Subject advisor

Mark Battye

Government and Politics

Phone :
+44 (0) 344 463 2535 (Teaching Services team | Mon - Fri, 9am - 5pm GMT)
Mark Battye, History subject advisor

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