International A Level and GCSE Accounting update July 2017 | Pearson qualifications

International A level and International GCSE update July 2017

Fri Jul 28 14:37:00 UTC 2017

Read the latest information on International A Level and International GCSE Accounting, including key dates, latest news and training events.

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International GCSE Accounting

Qualification News

Online exam results will be released as follows:

June Exam Series

  • 23 August 2017 (released to Centres)
  • 24 August 2017 (released to candidates)

Reminder: Pearson Edexcel International GCSE move to 9-1 qualifications from September 2017

I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that all schools teaching Edexcel International GCSEs should be teaching the new 9-1 qualifications from this September onwards. This means that in May / June 2019, all students will take the Edexcel International GCSE 9-1 examinations. 

To access more information on the new Edexcel International GCSE (9-1) qualifications available for first teaching in September this year, please visit our website. It contains links to the key changes and an explanation of the 9-1 grading system.

We have also produced a dedicated video explaining the suite of subjects: Accounting, Business, Commerce and Economics. It provides a good overview of the main changes. 

New video

To help you to learn more about our new Edexcel International GCSE(9-1) Accounting, Business, Economics and Commerce qualifications we have produced the following video.  

Pearson Edexcel International GCSE (9-1) Accounting, Business and Economics qualifications
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Free sample of our new Edexcel International GCSE (9-1) textbook

You now have access to a free sample for evaluation purposes.

The sample includes: Cover (front and back), title page, table of contents/course structure and a chunk of content.

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Advance copies of the Student Book

A full copy of the Student Book will be made available online in September, in advance of publication, for customers who place early firm orders. This will enable you to start planning and early term teaching, in advance of receiving the printed books. These will be online flick-books, not downloadable PDFs.

On publication of the books in October, the advance copy will be removed, and the URL will redirect you to the title home page.

Register for an advanced copy of Edexcel International GCSE (9-1) Accounting textbook

Free teacher support materials notice

We are currently working hard to develop free teacher support materials for the International GCSE Accounting. Currently, we are working on a Getting Started Guide, which will identify areas of change in the new qualification, as well as providing support on the new content and assessment. We are also working on an editable Scheme of Work. As soon as these documents are available on the website I will make sure that you are aware.

Free access to scripts (ATS) service

After the summer 2017 results are published in August, you will be able to view and download scripts which have been marked online free of charge from our self-service portal. 

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Availability of self-service portal

The Self-Service Portal will be available until the final post-results deadline for each exam series:

  • Summer 2017 - Thursday 28 September 2017
  • November 2017 - Thursday 15 February 2018.

You should save and/or print any scripts that you need for teaching and learning purposes before the post-results deadline.

The JCQ's post-results services guide for summer and November 2017 has more information on deadlines.

More information about the free scripts service

You will be emailed more information about the free script service shortly, but you can access the 'Access to scripts self-service portal guide' and our post-results pages.

Candidate consent

You will need to obtain candidate consent before requesting script copies, as per section 6.2.1 of the JCQ's post-results services guide. Candidate consent can only be obtained after results have been published.

Reminder: International GCSE in Accounting is not available for UK centres


Online Getting Ready to Teach events have been organised to support you in preparing to deliver the new International GCSE in Accounting (9-1) 4AC1 specification for the first teaching in 2017, first assessment 2019.

Each online 2 hour event will:

  • consider the structure and content of the new specification, and explore possible teaching and delivery strategies
  • explore the question papers and mark schemes for Paper 1 and Paper 2
  • provide information about the new 9-1 grading scale
  • provide information about the support available to guide you through these changes.

This event can count as 2 hours of Continuing Professional Development (CPD).

13 February 2018, 8am-10am               (Code:   17IOAA01/01)

Getting Ready to Teach the Pearson Edexcel International GCSE in Accounting (9-1) (4AC1)

There are two additional training sessions organised for:

Bangladesh, Dhaka    9 August 2017, 10am - 4pm

Nicosia                          21 October 2017, 10am - 3.30pm

These free 5 hour face to face events are designed to support you in preparing for the delivery of the new International GCSE in Accounting specification for first teaching from 2017, first assessment 2019.

International A Level Accounting

Qualification News

Online exam results will be released as follows:

June Exam Series

  • 15 August 2017 (released to Centres)
  • 16 August 2017 (released to candidates)

Free access to scripts (ATS) for summer 2017

(See section above under International GCSE for more information)

Training Pages

Two free online events have been organised to provide feedback on the International A Level in Accounting June 2017 series.

During the training you will:

  • receive feedback on the performance of candidates in the January and May/June 2017 examination
  • consider the variation of candidates’ performance on different questions and explore reasons why performance varies
  • discuss the Examiner’s Report
  • address common issues and FAQs

11 October 2017, 8am-10am (code: 17IOAB02/01)
8 November 2017, 2pm-4pm (code: 17IOAB02/02)

Supporting Students to Study at Universities Worldwide


Read our recognition guide to find out which universities worldwide students can progress to after completing Edexcel International Advanced Levels (IALs). The guide also includes student success stories.

View our infographic for more examples of the different types of Universities Edexcel IAL students go on to study at.

New Resources Planned for International A Level Accounting

Accounting IAS Student Book (print and digital)

Q1/Q2 2018

Accounting IAL Student Book (print and digital)

Q1 2019

Accounting Online Teacher Resource Pack


Where do your students go after their final exams?

We'd be grateful if you could encourage all of your students who took final Pearson Edexcel IGCSE or IAL Accounting papers in the May/June 2017 examination series to complete our first ever Pearson Edexcel Destination Survey 2017

The survey is designed to help us better understand where our students aspire to go after completing their Pearson Edexcel Level 2 or Level 3 qualification. The Progression and Recognition team will use this information to focus our resources and better support you and your students' progression aspirations, particularly for university. 

This survey will take less than 5 minutes to complete and offers the opportunity to win a£100 Amazon voucher or one of five £20 Amazon vouchers. The survey opens todayand will close on Friday 1 September 2017. 

Complete the survey here

Stay in touch with information from your new Accounting subject advisor

Bernadette also has a new Twitter account @PearsonAccFin.  This has been established for teachers to obtain and exchange support, information, suggested resources, etc.

Sign up to receive subject advisor emails


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