Grading for new linear AS levels in English
This update explains how the new linear AS English specification will be graded.
Linear grade boundaries
The new AS and A level English specification are linear – this means that instead of modular exams with UMS marks you will now see a new way of reporting grade boundaries.
With linear qualifications students will not be given grades for each paper they sit. The grades only exist at qualification level so students that sat the new AS examinations this summer will simply receive an overall grade for the AS qualification.
On results day we will publish the grade boundaries at qualification level. These will be available on the grade boundaries page.
We will also publish notional component boundaries at paper level for AS Papers 1 and 2 – we are doing this to help you to mark and grade mocks in future series. These will be displayed in the grade boundaries document, published on the grade boundaries page. They will not be displayed on formal results documentation.
How do the new AS papers add up to make a total subject mark?
AS English Literature
Paper 1 has a total mark of 72
Paper 2 has a total mark of 44.
Your students’ marks on new AS Paper 1 and 2 will simply be added together to give the total subject mark out of 116.
AS English Language
Paper 1: 50
Paper 2: 50
Total marks: 100
AS English Language and Literature
Paper 1: 50
Paper 2: 50
Total marks: 100
You will be able to use Resultsplus to see how your students have performed on each paper. ResultsPlus is a free online results analysis tool for teachers that gives you a detailed breakdown of your students’ performance in Edexcel exams.
You will need an Edexcel online username and password to access ResultsPlus. Your exams officer can set you up with this. If you have an account already but can’t remember your password you can generate a new one by pasting your email into the ‘forgotten password’ page
I hope you found this update useful.