GCSE English 9-1 summer networks and autumn training
This update provides details of summer networks and autumn training for GCSE English 9-1.
Please note this training is for GCSE (9-1) 2015 only.
Support for 2015 English GCSEs
As we move into the exam period, why not start getting ready for the second year of delivery of GCSE 9-1? We have 4 types of support planned for you in the immediate future:
Free summer GCSE networks (face to face and online)
In June and July we’re offering our free termly GCSE networks. The agenda for summer 2016 consists of:
- AO3 Comparison - Poetry
- Linking to the unseen comparison in Language Paper 2
- Networking and sharing ideas.
GCSE exam marking training (paid-for face to face, and free podcasts)
In October/November, we'll be offering marking training on 9-1 GCSE English Language and English Literature. We will also offer free podcast versions of this training.
Free post-16 Getting Ready to Teach events (face to face in June and online in September)
These events are for post-16 teachers of English who want to find out more about delivering the new GCSE English (9-1) in the classroom.
During the session you will:
- receive an overview of the structure, content and assessment of the qualifications, and the support available to you
- explore possible teaching and delivery strategies for the new qualification
- explore Paper 1 and Paper 2 in detail, and take part in planning activities
- hear from experienced FE practitioners who will share their insights
- learn about the support on offer for post-16.
You'll also have the opportunity to network with other teachers, discuss best practice, and discover more about the full range of support we'll provide.
Don't forget that you need 'training user' ticked (by your exams officer) in your Edexcel Online profile in order to be able to book training with your Edexcel Online login. If you don't have an account, you can follow the prompts to complete a booking form.
If you do not have a centre number, email trainingbookings@pearson.com with details of the event (including course code) and your full details.
Need individual support?
If you want additional support with delivering our 9-1 GCSEs for the first time, you may also request a free individual support visit.
Want to catch up with Getting Ready to Teach or our network events from autumn 2015 and spring 2016?
If you missed an event and you’d like to access the resources, you can download them from our training and support page.
I hope you find time to attend and make use of this valuable support.