September 2023 BTEC Performing Arts update
Dear colleagues,
Welcome to the start of a brand new term and academic year.
I hope that the summer break was refreshing.
If you ever need to get in touch, please use my details below.
Here is your September 2023 update with all the latest news on our BTEC Performing Arts qualifications.
In this update you will find:

Summer 2023 results and post results services
The results update in the link below provides information and guidance on all the different post results services available. From this update, you can access information on Access to Scripts, Review of Moderation and Marking servies, instructions on how to access grade boundaries and moderor reports, links to Results Plus, and more.
Read the Results Days 2023 for Performing Arts and Drama update

Start the Year network events for BTEC Performing and Production Arts
In September I will be running network events for our level 2 and 3 BTEC Performing Arts and Production Arts qualifications.
In these events, we will:
- Reflect on the Summer exam series for external and internal components and units
- Look at the key events and up to date information for this new academic year
- Share ideas, resources and approaches to teaching the components
- Have the opportunity to ask questions and network
Please note: the Level 2 event has a new date. It's moving from 7th September to 21st September. We will contact all those who have registered already.
BTEC Level 2 Performing Arts (Tech Award and Firsts) | 21 September 2023 15:30-16:30 |
Book a place |
BTEC Level 3 Performing Arts and Production Arts | 14 September 2023 15:30-16:30 |

One Dance UK Awards
The One Dance UK Awards celebrate the excellent work of dance artists, teachers, schools, choreographers, companies, venues and scientists who make our dance ecology thrive.
If you know a person or organisation who deserves recognition, you can nominate them.
There is an amazing selection of awards including The Young People's Dance Champion Award, The Artistic innovation in Dance Award, The Green Dance Award, The People’s Choice Award, Dance Changemaker Award and many more.
One Dance UK award nominations

BTEC Level 1 Introductory in Performing Arts update
We are looking for your assistance to provide a Letter of Support to Ofqual/QiW for the extension and the continued accreditation of the Entry 1 and Entry 2 Pre-Vocational Study suite of qualifications alongside the full extension of our Level 1 Intro suite of qualifications including our Performing Arts suite to Aug 2027.
The reason we are looking to do this is to give you certainty in delivery and accreditation of these qualifications moving forwards prior to the reform of this range of qualifications.
If you can help with a letter of support please can you contact Kelly Adams, the Product Manager for Level 1 at

PSAs C1 and C2 January series | released 1 Sept 23 | deadline for submission 15 Dec 23 |
PSAs C1 and C2 June series | released 1 Dec 23 | deadline for submission 1 May 24 |
Component 3 | released 15 Jan 24 | deadline for submission 8 May 24 |
For BTEC Firsts and Nationals, here are the winter and summer timetables:
Winter timetables (external assessments taking place Nov-Jan)
Summer timetables (assessment windows Jan-May)

Tech Award 22 FAQs
Here are the questions that seem to be on the minds of a lot of Tech Award teachers at the moment:
Q: Can a student use the same production/repertoire if they are retaking Component 1 or 2?
A: Yes, a student can use the same production/repertoire if they retake a PSA.
Q: If a student retakes a Component, is it the highest or the newest mark that counts towards their final qualification grade?
A: It will be the highest mark acheived
Q: Is the mark scheme changing for Component 3 or will it be the same as we used in the 2017 specification?
A: The mark scheme will remain the same

Subject advisor
Paul Webster
Drama, Theatre and Performing Arts