December 2023 BTEC Performing Arts update | Pearson qualifications

December 2023 BTEC Performing Arts update

8 December 2023

Dear colleagues,

I hope that the end of term goes well and that you can enjoy a restful break.

If you ever need to get in touch, please use my details below.

Here is your December 2023 update with all the latest news on our BTEC Performing Arts qualifications.

In this update you will find:

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BTEC Level 3 Performing and Production Arts Briefing on 13th December 

On Wednesday 13th December, 4-5pm, we will be running an event to provide the latest information on developments around the reforms at Level 3.

It's also an opportunity to get your views and insight to help us shape our qualification(s) and support offer in ways that best meet you and your students’ needs.

The sessions will be hosted by Tom Connor, the Sector Manager, and myself, we will will provide you with an opportunity to ask questions.

You can book a place here:

BTEC Performing Arts Briefing

New PSAs for Tech Award C1 and C2 June 24 series

New Pearson Set Assignments (PSAs) for Components 1 and 2 are now available. These are in the 'June 2024' folder.

You will need to access them using your Edexcel Online account. 

The deadline for submitting the assessed work for moderation is 1st May 2024.

The work is moderated in June 2024.

Support with using Edexcel Online for moderator samples and submitting/amending marks 

If you need any help with how to use Edexcel Online (EOL) for moderation of Components 1 and 2, we have a useful step by step guide on our BTEC Tech Awards 2022 Support Index. There's lots of guidance on all aspects of the administrative elements of running the qualification, from registrations through to certification.

BTEC Tech Awards 2022: Support Index


PSA assessment feedback reminder

The Administrative Support Guide provides lots of useful information on what is required for the submission of work for moderation.

In terms of evidence, please ensure that there is the following available for each sampled student:

  • A completed portfolio of coursework in response to the Pearson Set
    Assignment. This will include various pieces of evidence for each Learning Outcome as stated in the PSA and summarised in the Assessment Evidence section above.
  • For Component 2: where more than one student who has been pre-selected by Pearson for moderation appears in the same group video recording, centres should upload just one copy of that recording in which those studenss appear. The Learner Work Transfer platform will allow centres to link that recording to the selected students.

  • Learner Assessment Record (including declaration of authenticity and
    consent) signed by the learner and teacher/assessor. Only a single
    assessment record form for each learner required per internal component which includes the learner and assessor authentication declaration.
    An Assessment Tracker tool is available in Excel format that can be used
    instead of the Assessment Record sheet. This tool will help you to manage the recording of marks and records for the class and allows you to generate the Assessment Record Reports for submission.

Component 3 task released on 15th Jan

The new Component 3 task for the Tech Award will be available on 15th January 2024.

Your exams office will be able to access this task and share it with you here:

Secure Tests 

Tech Award 22 Bitesize videos

To help you with teaching and assessing the internal components, understanding how moderation works, and preparation for Component 3, we have created some short Bitesize videos.

You can access them on the Tech Award Performing Arts 2022 qualification page or below

 BTEC Nationals Exemplar Work

We have some examples of top, middle and low marked work for Unit 3: Group Performance Workshop and Unit 5: Individual Performance Commission to help  you with preparing your students for the tasks this academic year.

Support and contact

Please feel free to get in touch, if you require any help or support in the teaching and assessment of our performing arts courses.
You can access contact details from the contact card below.


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