December 2022 BTEC Performing Arts update | Pearson qualifications

December 2022 BTEC Performing Arts update

14 December 2022

Dear colleagues,

As we approach the end of term and the winter break, here is your December 2022 update with all the latest news on our BTEC Performing Arts qualifications.

In this update you will find:

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Tech Award 2017 Component 3 Guidance and Support

To help teachers and students prepare for this year's Component 3 task, we have produced some guidance and support, including a recorded discussion with the Chief Examiner for C3, Helen Turner, a recorded performance and the written activities for three learners.
We hope you find these useful and inspiring. 

Access the Component 3 Guidance and Support

BTEC Statistics for 2021/22

We have published the 2021/22 national results data for Level 2 and Level 3 BTEC qualifications, showing registration and results data for three main qualification suites: Level 2 BTEC Firsts (NQF) and Level 1/2 BTEC Tech Awards and Level 3 BTEC Nationals (2016 RQF).

You can view the 2021/22 national results data, including our commentary on this year's results data on our website, along with the grade statistics (under silver padlock).

BTEC Level 1 Introductory Vocational Studies

Funding has been withdrawn for 16+ learmers wanting to complete the BTEC Level 1 Introductory qualifications in Performing Arts (the qualifications still attract funding for 14-16 year olds).
As an alternative, you could consider the BTEC Level 1 Introductory in Vocational Studies; it contains Performing Arts specific units plus a lot of the units can be contextualised for a performing arts learner.

If you wish to discuss this with me, please get in touch using the contact details below

BTEC Introductory Vocational Studies

Timetables for spring and summer terms

You can find the timetables for the externally assessed units and components for spring and summer assessments on our website


Guidance for selecting existing professional repertoire

We have produced some additional guidance for teachers to help with selecting suitable repertoire and performance material for Components 1 and 2 in the new Tech Award in Performing Arts 


New FAQ guidance for Components 1 and 2 

I get lots of questions about the new internally assessed Components on the Tech Award, so we've put together a Frequently Asked Questions guide specifically for Performing Arts

BTEC Tech Award in Performing Arts (2022) updates

Please see links below to access the latest information and updates on the BTEC Tech Award in Performing Arts 2022. 

Access the specification page

Access the key dates schedule

Access quality assurance documents

Access FAQs

Assessment tracker tool

This is a tool that can help with the moderated assessment of components 1 and 2.

You can create Assessment Record documents and provide ongoing reports for learner feedback.

Exemplar Standardisation Materials for BTEC Tech Award in Performing Arts 2022

To help you with assessing your students' work, we have produced Exemplar Standardisation Materials for Components 1 and 2 in Performing Arts, Dance and Production. 

BTEC Tech Awards (2022) Getting Started recorded training event

In this recorded training event, you will get a full overview of the new course, the three components and detailed guidance on approaches to teaching and assessing your learners 

Support and contact

Please feel free to get in touch, if you require any help or support in your delivery. You can access contact details from the contact card below.

Keep up the good work and see you in the second half of the autumn term! 


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