November 2022 Design and Technology update
Welcome to your November 2022 Design and Technology update to keep you up-to-date with the latest.
Reminder on the NEA arrangements in 2022/2023
In summer 2023, Non-examined assessment (NEA) will be assessed in it`s entirety, without any adaptations.
What about the exam? Is there Advance Information?
The DfE and Ofqual have recently confirmed a return on assessment and grading in 2023, meaning that there will not be advance information. Read more below.
Exams head back to normality in 2023 - press release
Grading exams and assessments in summer 2023 and autumn 2022

There is a selection of on-demand and live training events available for GCSE and A level Design and Technology. See below
GCSE D&T - Coursework marking training event - module 1-3 (on-demand)
A level D&T - Coursework marking training event - module 1-3 (on-demand)

Subject advisor
Evren Alibaba
Design and Technology