May 2022 Design and Technology update | Pearson qualifications

May 2022 Design and Technology update

9 May 2022

Here is the May 2022 update for GCSE and A level Design and Technology. 

This is a busy month, in which Non-Examined Assessment samples and marks are submitted to us and learners are focusing more on exam revision. In this update, you will find reminders and guidance to help and support you in the activities this month.

This update includes; 

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Reminder on NEA submissions

Deadline: 15 May 2022 - Extended to 18 May 2022

By this date, you should submit your marks on Edexcel Online and sample through the Learner Work Transfer system. 

Access guidance on submitting coursework marks (PDF | 2.8MB)

Access guidance on Learner Work Transfer

Where is the Centre declaration form?

Centre declaration forms are not required for GCSE and A level Design and Technology, and therefore these do not exist. 

I cannot see my sample in LWT. Why?

If this is happening, please check that you have pop-ups allowed. Also, please check with your exams officer and ensure that you have basic access selected in your edexcel online profile. 

I cannot see the tab to submit my coursework marks in edexcel online. Why?

This again is due to your edexcel online profile. Please ask your exams officer to tick coursework marks in your edexcel online profile, or input the marks for you. 

How do I submit my highest and lowest marked learners work if they are not in the sample. 

Using the manage learner tab in LWT, you can add these learners.  

Summer 2022 GCSE and A level Exams

As you know, for summer 2022 assessment, there is Advance Information for both GCSE and A level Design and Technology exams. Advance information is intended to communicate, ahead of the examinations, the focus of the content of the exams or part of the exams that will be assessed in the examination papers. As stated by DfE, the purpose of advance information is to support revision.

Advance Information can be accessed from the link below:

Advance information for GCSE and A level D&T

You can use the advance information to focus revision on the topics that are communicated. To do this, you can;

  • Use specification content and supporting resources such as student textbooks to revise topics.
  • Utilise past papers and questions to practice exam style questions by Pearson.
  • Use examiner reports to identify best practice in answering questions.
  • Use examWizard to create focused tests and papers.
  • Use topic tests from summer 2021 arrangements

Learners should also revise the rest of the content, as topics not included on the list may still be assessed in low tariff, multiple choice, or synoptic questions. Advance information will not be provided for questions assessing the use of mathematical skills.

Subject Code Component Date Time Duration
Design And Technology 9DT0 01 Component 1: Design and Technology (Product Design) Thursday 09 June Afternoon 2h 30m
Design And Technology 1DT0 1A Component 1: Metals Wednesday 15 June Afternoon 1h 45m
Design And Technology  1DT0 1B Component 1: Papers and boards Wednesday 15 June Afternoon 1h 45m
Design And Technology  1DT0 1C Component 1: Polymers Wednesday 15 June Afternoon 1h 45m
Design And Technology  1DT0 1D Component 1: Systems Wednesday 15 June Afternoon 1h 45m
Design And Technology  1DT0 1E Component 1: Textiles Wednesday 15 June Afternoon 1h 45m
Design And Technology 1DT0 1F Component 1: Timbers Wednesday 15 June Afternoon 1h 45m

DE&I Survey for Design and Technology

We have a short survey to get your views on DE&I in Design and Technology education. We want to hear your thoughts on the topic of "named designers" in the content of our GCSE qualification (our A Level qualification content does not name specific designers). We would also like to know a little bit about your teaching in relation to representation, inclusion, and barriers within the design industry, such as gender bias in the design process or design that excludes some types of users, and how we can support you as teachers to tackle the teaching of these challenges in the classroom. In our short survey, please tell us your views by choosing an option, or adding your own.

Access the survey here


Consultation for Potential new Tech Award in Digital Modelling and Design

Pearson is consulting on a new Tech Award for 14-16 year old's which could provide a new vocational route in digital modelling and design, helping to prepare learners for new roles in Construction, Engineering and Manufacturing sectors that require Digital design skills. We are very interested in your views please see the following draft curriculum and survey.

Read more here and access the survey



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