March 2022 Design and Technology update | Pearson qualifications

March 2022 Design and Technology update

9 March 2022

Welcome to your March 2022 update for Design and Technology. 

In this update, we have information on the following topics. 

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Summer 2022 NEA submission guidance

The update from the link below is to provide you information on Summer 2022 NEA submissions and guidance on how to submit your NEA samples and marks for summer 2022 assessment.

There is also information and guidance on the Learner Work Transfer portal, which will be used to submit your samples. 

Read the update here

Advance Information (AI) for GCSE and A level D&T

Advance information is the second mitigation for GCSE and A level Design and Technology. The main purpose of the Advance Information is to help focus revision on topics that cover the higher tariff questions of the summer 2022 exam papers. These topics can appear in lower tariff questions too. The rest of the content can also appear in any type of questions. Therefore, although learners still need to cover the full content, there is a focus for their revision, which will help answer the questions that has the most marks in the paper. 

Maths content is not included in the AI, and therefore learners should be prepared to answer the Maths questions in the exam. 

You can access the Advance information for both GCSE and A level from the below link, which also has a FAQ document to help answer your questions. 

Access AIs and FAQs here

Summer 2022 exam dates

Qualification Code Component Date Time Duration
GCSE D&T 1DT0 1A Component 1: Metals Wednesday 15 June Afternoon  1h 45m
1DT0 1B Component 1: Papers and boards
1DT0 1C Component 1: Polymers
1DT0 1D Component 1: Systems
1DT0 1E Component 1: Textiles
1DT0 1F Component 1: Timbers
A level D&T 9DT0 01 Component 1: Design and Technology (Product Design) Thursday 9 June Afternoon 2h 30

Drop-in session

There is a drop-in session scheduled for GCSE and A level Design and Technology for summer 2022 assessment. 

The drop in session is on 24 March - 15:30-16:30pm. These will be through MS Teams. 

This session will not follow a defined format and it is to answer questions you may have for summer 2022 assessment.

Read more and register here

Specification issue update

The link below will take you to the update, which highlights the recent changes to the GCSE and A level Design and Technology specifications. The changes are to clarify digital submissions of portfolios.

Read more here

Frequently asked questions

How are NEA samples submitted this year?
NEA samples will need to be submitted, using the Learner Work Portal. In the Summer 2022 NEA submission guidance link above in this update, has further information on this, including video tutorials on how to use the platform. 

When can I see my sample selection?
NEA samples will be visible on edexcel online by mid-April. This is when the sample will be visible in the LWT platform too. 

How do I prepare my sample for LWT?
We have the following guidance document for using LWT for D&T. Please use this guidance.

Learner work portal instructions for D&T

How do I/my learners sign the authentication digitally?
The document in the link below, provides guidance on digital signatures.

Digital authentication form guidance

Are the topics in the Advance Information document, topics that are not covered in the exam?

No - the topics that are in the advance information documents are topics that are in the exam, the higher tariff topic questions, which could also appear in low tariff questions. 

Is there any reduction in content? 

No - As per the Advance Information, the rest of the content, not listed in the AI, can also appear in any question style. The AI is designed to help focus learners' revision, and not reduce content. The topics listed relate to higher tariff topic questions and covering these topics would help learners answer questions that have the highest marks in the paper. 

What about the maths questions?

The AI does not cover the Maths questions, and as the format of the exam papers have not changed, learners should be prepared to answer the Maths questions in the exam.  

There are further FAQs available for the AI, which can be accessed here


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