March 2025 Citizenship subject update | Pearson qualifications

March 2025 Citizenship subject update

Mon Mar 03 16:25:00 UTC 2025

Welcome to your Pearson Edexcel Citizenship Studies March 2025 subject update!

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Hello colleagues,

This subject update contains information, news and advice for Edexcel Citizenship teachers and details of new resources available to support teaching our qualifications. 

As always, please do get in touch with me if you have any queries or I can help with anything.

Best wishes,

Jenna Wyatt

Past Training Event

Last month we ran a training event online in order to support teachers who wish to familiarise and/or improve their understanding of assessment practices for Pearson Edexcel's GCSE Citizenship Studies.

The training focused on the longer response questions and there was chance to view new candidate responses to reflect the 2024 exam. 

If you missed this event, you can access the slides from the presentation and the delegate pack below: 

Teacher Training Event Citizenship

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Taking Citizenship Action Submission reminder

Citizenship Action is a planned course of informed action to address a citizenship issue or question of concern and aimed at delivering a benefit or change for a particular community or wider society. This is a required part of the GCSE Citizenship Studies course and students are examined on their action as part of Paper 2.

Each year, centres must certify that candidates have completed their Citizenship Action and submit a form to confirm this.

This must be submitted by 15th May.

The links to the Citizenship Action form and the authentification submission are below:

Citizenship Action Form

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Become an examiner with us! 

We are starting our examiner recruitment and are looking for specialists who are able to mark GCSE Citizenship Studies.

This is an invaluable opportunity to develop your knowledge and understanding of the subject area and assessment process, building your confidence as a teacher and assessor.

Vacancy details and application 


‘Citizenship Studies in the News’ aims to stimulate discussion for GCSE Citizenship Studies by considering contemporary issues and their relevance to our lives.

We have compiled a range of current news articles* and linked these to the key questions, explored in themes A-D of the specification. You may wish to investigate and integrate into your teaching practice to help contextualise key issues and bring the subject to life! 

Edition 12 includes the following articles:        

  • Theme A: "Graphic shows how deaths will outnumber births in the UK in just four years"- Written by Gergana Krasteva for the Metro and "UK population to soar to 72.5 million by 2032 due to net migration rise, ONS says" by Indepdendent.  
  • Theme B: "How assisted dying has spread across the world and how laws differ”. – Written by Fergus Walsh from The BBC
  • Theme C: "Prison is not working' says minister, as more than 1000 prisoners get early releaser"- By ITV News
  • Theme D: "A complete timeline of Prince Harry's legal battle with the Sun" - Written by Rachael Davies from The Standard 

Edition 12 

Citizenship in the News

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Summer 2026 Provisional Timetables

The Provisional timetables for Summer 2026 are now available on our Provisional timetables page.

The feedback window will run until Friday 21st March. Please send any feedback to

Provisional Timetables 


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Keep up to date with the latest news

Make sure you're following us on socials to keep up to date with the latest news about our qualifications and services 👇

Pearson Edexcel on Facebook 

Pearson Edexcel on X 


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Enrichment opportunities

Democracy Classroom

Democracy Classroom is a partnership of over 80 non-partisan, democracy, education and youth organisations. They collectively support teachers, youth workers and practitioners to engage young people in elections.

Their website includes a range of resources, training opportunities and collaborative events which may be useful for those teaching Citizenship Studies.  

More information can be found on their website, below:

Democracy Classroom

MP For A Week, online game - Parliament UK Education

The game gives young people a virtual taste of life as an MP. Highlighting the range and value of MPs’ work, the game builds students’ understanding of the role of a Member of Parliament. 

The game could offer an opportunity for students draw links to their learning on democracy, government and the rights and responsibilities of citizens. 

Online Game, MP for a week 

ACT online CPD: How to make revision work

Association for Citizenship Teaching is running a workshop to enhance GCSE Citizenship revision, boost student confidence, and connect with fellow educators on 26 Mar 2025 5pm. 

School & College / Organisation members: Free • Individual members: £25 • E-members: £50

Sign up 

Subject advisor

Jenna Wyatt


Phone :
+44 (0) 344 463 2535 (Teaching Services team | Mon - Fri, 8am - 5pm GMT)
Susan Currey

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