Practical Evidence Portfolio for first teaching September 2016 - support and guidance | Pearson qualifications

Practical Evidence Portfolio for first teaching September 2016 - support and guidance

Mon Jan 04 00:00:00 UTC 2016

This subject update reflects on how we can support you in the implementation of the Practical Evidence Portfolio (PEP) as part of the BTEC Level 3 Children’s Play, Learning and Development (2016).

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All learners taking the Diploma and Extended Diploma qualification from September 2016 will be required to engage with sector employers as part of their course.

This includes 750 hours of mandatory work experience, 100 hours with each of the three age groups, and production of a Practical Evidence Portfolio (PEP) to record evidence of engagement in continuing professional development and reflective practice in different early year settings.

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I have outlined some guidance with regard to each of the corresponding PEP forms CPLD 1–6.

Form CPLD 1 – Learner self-assessment of work skills

The front sheet to the CPLD PEP form needs to be completed adding all settings to one form.


Relates to Learning Aim

Unit 3 Play & Learning

C - Support children in adult initiated and child-initiated purposeful play and learning activities in an early years setting.

Unit 5 Keeping Children Safe

D - Demonstrate how to recognise and assess hazards and risks to children and respond to emergencies in an early years setting

Unit 6 Children’s physical development, physical care & health needs

B - Plan and support routines and activities to meet children’s physical development and care needs

Unit 7 Children’s personal, social & emotional development

C - Support and promote children’s positive behaviour

Unit 8 Working with parents & others

C - Demonstrate effective partnership work with parents and others in early years settings to meet the needs of children

Unit 9 Observation & Assessment

B - Carry out and record observations of children to make accurate assessments & C - Create, implement and review activity plans for children

Unit 10 Reflective Practice

C - Develop reflective practice skills in an early years setting

Unit 11 The Early Years Foundation Stage

D - Apply skills to support children’s progress towards early learning goals and to meet safeguarding and welfare requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage

There are many learning aims within the CPLD 1-4 forms and although it is not expected that the learner will be able to develop every skill during each placement, he/she must plan to develop all of the skills by the end of their practical training to gain Early Years Educator Status. Furthermore, the learner is not required to address each skill for every age group.

Some skills may need to be demonstrated more than once with different age groups.

The following skills may be simulated:

  • 6 *Answer the telephone using a professional manner
  • 12 *Prepare food/drinks for snack
  • 13 *Prepare and serve hot food
  • 18 *Plan an outing for children
  • 19 *Use ICT to take photographs, upload and edit them and insert them into documents
  • 20 *Print labels for displays
  • 21 *Insert text and photographs into documents and reports
  • 23 *Make basic dough and store it to prevent it drying out
  • 24 *Mix paint
  • 25 *Make gloop (corn flour and water)
  • 26 *Maintain sand
  • 57 *Change a nappy under supervision
  • 58 *Clean and maintain baby changing area
  • 59 *Prepare a bottle for a baby
  • 62 *Change cot bedding
  • 77 *Recall five-finger play rhymes
  • 78 *Recall five action rhymes
  • 79 *Recall five counting rhymes
  • 80 *Recall 20 nursery rhymes

Some possible suggestions of learner evidence for CPLD 1

Learners could produce a witness statement for this skill and a reflective account. These can be completed by either the learner or placement supervisor. If the learner completes the witness statement, the supervisor must ensure that the learner’s reflection is accurate and amend if they feel it is necessary. The supervisor must ensure they sign and date the witness statement.

You can find an example of a completed witness statement in the Subject Guide to Internal Assessment for the Early Years.

This can be a simulated activity, recorded and observed by an assessor.

Learners can include a copy of the setting's procedures with a reflection on how they followed the procedures identifying when, where and how they implemented them.

Learners can obtain permission to take a photo and include a description of what took place.

A learner can include a copy of a child's work with a reflection. This could also link to an activity plan if the learner designed the activity themselves (Skill 86).

This could be achieved through activities planned by the learner and then an evaluation through a reflection. The learner could provide Photographs of the way the area was set up to support interests and needs. 

These are suggestions for assessed evidence - however there are other possible forms of evidence, such as observations and the observations carried out by a member of the staff within the Early Years setting or assessor. The observations must be detailed and specific to meet the skills being assessed.

Form CPLD 1 – Reflections

Learners should use the reflection element at the start and end of placement to be able to demonstrate progress. Learners can include further reflection should they wish but before and after placement should be the minimum. In addition, learners can use a reflection from a previous placement to inform their current on. For example:

"I was shy and lacked confidence in placement X. In placement Y, I will make sure I use  my initiative and speak with different members of staff each day."

An interim reflection could be:

"I have not, as yet, managed to talk to a different staff member each day, however I am beginning to use my initiative by completing tasks before being asked and am starting to feel like part of a team because of this."

Form CPLD 2 – Learner self-assessment: meeting the unit assessment criteria

For this part of the PEP, the learner must reflect on their own performance against relevant practical unit assessment criteria and this form will be addressed on the completion of the relevant unit.

Each CPLD 2 form needs to be completed just once apart from the following 2 units:

Unit 7 - 3D.P8, 3D.P9, 3D.M4

The learner should produce evidence from 3 age ranges (0-1 year 11 months, 2-4 years 11 months and 5 to 7 years 11 months.

The evidence should be linked to the CPLD 1 skills section of the PEP for example, Skill 1 ‘Promote Positive Behaviour’.

The learner will not need to complete more than one CPLD 2 form for Unit 7 but evidence needs to be clearly shown for the three age ranges on how the learner has modelled behaviour and therefore met the required criteria. This should be recorded clearly in the Evidence location section of the CPLD 2 Form.

Unit 12 - 3D.P8, 3D.M5  

The learner needs to produce evidence from two age ranges (Birth up to 2 years and 2 up to 5 years) as stated within the specification and assessment guidance, page 157. The learner must provide evidence for both age ranges and this must be clearly identified in the evidence location section of the CPLD 2 form for Unit 12.

Form CPLD 3Supervisor interim/final report

The CPLD 3 form is completed by the learner’s supervisor during their placement.  The supervisor must produce a final report of the learner’s progress during the placement. It is also considered to be good practice for the supervisor to carry out interim observations.

Form CPLD 4 – Assessor visit/observation reports

The CPLD 3 is completed during placement visits as appropriate each time the learner is visited. The learner should have at a minimum of three CPLD 3 forms completed by the assessor.

In total the learner should have a minimum of three CPLD 3 forms for each age range. The learner should have at least one CPLD 3 and one CPLD 4 and then the third can be completed by the either the supervisor (CPLD 3) or assessor (CPLD 4).

Form CPLD 5 – Recording of vocational hours

The CPLD 5 is completed following each placement. Learners must ensure it is signed by an occupationally competent member of staff from their college/school or Setting Supervisor.

Form CPLD 6 – Final sign off sheet

The CPLD 6 should contain a final comment on the extent to which the learner has achieved each element of the PEP at the end of their course.


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