April Subject Advisors update
The April update for Childcare from your Subject Advisor
I hope the sun shines on your break and you are able to take some time to relax.
There is some exciting news for the New BTEC Tech Award (2022) Child Development
Level 3 reforms
The post-16 level 3 vocational qualifications landscape in England is undergoing major reform.
There is a news page provides you with an overview of these reforms, and what we know so far about what they will mean for you and your post-16 level 3 vocational curriculum.
You will also find information which will support and guide you through this vocational qualification reform.
Earlier release of the Pearson set Assignments from September 2023
After listening carefully and reviewing your feedback. we are making changes to the BTEC Tech Award (2022) that will give you more time to prepare and deliver Pearson set Assignments.
Following your feedback, we will be releasing the Pearson set Assignment one month earlier within each series. This will give you more time to spend preparing and administering the assessments.
The PSAs will new be released early September for moderation in December and early January for moderation in May.
Extension requests for May/June series internal assessment
We have heard from teachers the the May/June window for completing internal assessment has been challenging due to a number of factors. If your learners are experiencing loss of assessment time you can request an extension using the Support Portal or email Teachinghealthandsocialcare@pearson.com.
When submitting your request please using the following classifications:
Request type – Coursework & Controlled/Internal Assessment
Category – Deadlines & Dates
Sub Category – Extension to Deadline.
BTEC Tech Award Support Index
There is lots of useful information about the administration of the Tech Awards on the Support Index. Especially useful is the Internal Assessment and Learner work transfer (LWT) that you need for uploading your sample for moderation.
Subject advisor
Esther Trehearn