19+ funding review - summary of appeal results | Pearson qualifications

19 funding review - summary of appeal results

22 May 2013

Read on for the appeal results following the Skills Funding Agency’s decision to remove stand-alone adult funding from a number of our qualifications.  

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In January 2013, the Skills Funding Agency announced the removal of stand-alone adult funding from a large number of qualifications from 2013/14. 566 of these were Pearson qualifications and we submitted 167 challenges as part of the appeals process that went along with this announcement. This would not have been possible without fantastic support from centres and sector organisations and we are very grateful to all of you who supported our appeals.

  • 566 qualifications were originally going to be switched off for funding and we made appeals in 167 cases. Please see the decisions on all 566 Pearson qualifications included in the process.
  • 154 qualifications have been re-approved for stand-alone adult funding in 2013/14. 93 will be switched back on until July 2014, and 61 will be switched back on until December 2013. Please see the list of successful appeals.
  • 123 of these were challenged by Pearson with centre and sector support, and 31 were challenged directly by centres.

What next?

We have the opportunity to submit final appeals but first require additional evidence from centres who offer these qualifications. Please see the list of all Pearson qualifications which will remain unfunded in 2013/14.

All rates can be reviewed in the 2013/14 simplified rates catalogue. The Skills Funding Agency updated this to include all successful appeals on 15 May 2013.


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