Edexcel International GCSE Art and Design Specification amendments (4FA1, 4GC1, 4PY1, 4TE1, 4TD1) | Pearson qualifications

Edexcel International GCSE Art and Design Specification amendments (4FA1, 4GC1, 4PY1, 4TE1, 4TD1)

24 February 2017

We have identified a small number of errors in the specification and sample assessment materials (SAMs) and we will be re-issuing the specification shortly. We realise you will be busy planning for the new course and wanted to make you aware of the errors now

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The assessment grid, page 42-43 of the specification has incorrect descriptors across the bands and levels. Each assessment objective should reflect the levels e.g. limited level, AO1 – the three bullet points should make reference to limited ability/attempts. The assessment grid is being updated and will be available shortly. We are sorry for any inconvenience these changes may cause.  

Sample Assessment Materials

The images in the Sample Assessment Materials are currently covered with a text bar stating ‘Low-res image’. We are working to get copyright permission for these and will update all the images with ‘high-res images’.

Once these changes have been made the specification and SAMs will be reissued and we will update centres on the changes.

If you haven’t already done so, please sign up to Art and Design Subject Advisor updates.


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