Update on RQF Higher Nationals in Engineering
Tue Jan 31 17:30:00 UTC 2017
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We are happy to announce that issue two of the specifications for the BTEC Higher Nationals (RQF) in Engineering, Aeronautical Engineering and Nuclear Engineering* are now available!
We have also published sample assessment materials to help you with planning for course delivery.
Find these resources here:
Top-ups and transfers within QCF BTEC Higher Nationals
Please note that for students who are registered on the QCF Higher Nationals Engineering suite, centres will have until the end certification date (31/08/22 for all QCF Engineering titles; 31/08/23 for Automotive Engineering) to top up from the QCF HNC to the QCF HND or to transfer between the two.
*Please note that RQF BTEC Higher Nationals in Nuclear Engineering are only available in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.