Update on Applied A level withdrawal and transition
As part of the government’s A level reform, we're withdrawing the option of Applied A levels for learners from 2015.
As you'll be aware, A levels are changing from 2015 as part of the government’s A level reform. One of the changes is that all awarding organisations must withdraw the option of Applied A levels for learners from 2015.
Here’s a timeline showing when the equivalent qualifications in Business are ready.
For existing centres, the Edexcel Applied A level in Business will be available until an equivalent qualification is available in September 2016. From that point, you’ll need to switch to another qualification, such as our new BTEC Nationals or the new Edexcel A levels.
The final assessment window for current centres will be 2017 (with no resit available in 2018).
If you have any questions, please contact your subject advisor.