Information for schools in Sri Lanka from Pearson Edexcel about upcoming exams
We would like to offer our condolences to the people of Sri Lanka following the terrible attacks which took place over the Easter weekend. Our thoughts are with everyone affected and especially the families and friends of all those who were tragically killed or injured.
We are aware that as a consequence of these terrible attacks there will be concern about the forthcoming Pearson Edexcel examination series. We have prepared the following guidance about alternative arrangements and special consideration processes so that you have all the information you need.
The safety of students and staff is paramount. Pearson and the British Council are working together closely to ensure the safety of all candidates and staff during the exam period. Centres are advised to use Ofqual’s Contingency planning as guidance but all exam centre staff and candidates should follow local advice and restrictions, which are in place to ensure everyone’s safety.
Timetabled examinations and special considerations
We understand that many students, families and schools have been affected by the recent events in Sri Lanka, and that you may have questions about arrangements for the upcoming examinations. We have support in place to help you here.
Our examinations timetable will remain in place - so that students who have worked hard on their qualifications will have the opportunity to sit their examinations.
If students are unable to take an exam due to circumstances beyond their control, your exam centre can apply to Pearson for special consideration on the Pearson Edexcel exam that was missed. The special consideration applied depends upon the circumstances faced by individual candidates.
The best way to make applications for absent candidates is to use the special consideration online tool, which can be accessed via Edexcel Online. For group requests please complete JCQ Form 10 and, along with the list of affected candidates, send to special requirements team via send a question.
For all our qualifications, we follow the JCQ guidelines.
If you have any concerns or questions, please contact your Account Specialist. Send a question
Yours faithfully
Rebecca Kelly
Head of Customer Services for International
Pearson Qualifications
Frequently Asked Questions
No, exams will take place according to the published timetable. This means that students who have worked hard on their qualifications will have the opportunity to sit their examinations. We know how important this is - including in enabling students to progress on to the next stage of their education. As such, we are continuing with the published timetable, and have steps in place to support any students affected by the recent circumstances.
No, they will be eligible for special consideration if they meet a minimum requirement of 25% of the assessments attended, and the centre supports their application.
Yes. If students have been unable to take an exam due to circumstances beyond their control, your exam centre can apply to Pearson for special consideration on to the Pearson Edexcel exam that was missed. This is dependent on the different circumstances that each individual has faced. Each case is considered on its own merits.
Candidates who sat the component but were disadvantaged may be awarded an allowance, expressed as a % of the total raw marks available in the component concerned. The allowance they receive depends on the circumstances in which they sat the exam. Details on the different allowance values applied across all awarding organisations can be found in the JCQ guide to the special consideration process (2018-2019), paragraph 3.1.
No. Centres should let us know how they have been affected so that we can ensure that candidates are treated fairly and equally across the region.
Follow your centre’s evacuation policy, ensuring the safety of students and staff. JCQ offer guidance in their ICE (Instructions for Conducting Examinations) document, paragraph 25.1.
Yes. However, the centre would need to ensure that the necessary arrangements (invigilation and paper security) are maintained at the host location. For individual candidates, centres will need to assess the appropriateness of the proposed host location and conduct a risk assessment for how the exam paper(s) will be transported.
If you secure alternative accommodation which has limited space, we advise that you prioritise students whose progression will be severely delayed if they do not take their exam or timetabled assessment when planned. Remember to keep parents, carers and students informed as to any change in venue for the exams.
Ensure the scripts are stored under secure conditions to be transported back to Pearson.
Yes, for this year only, we are allowing candidates from centres in Sri Lanka the option to withdraw their entry for the summer 2019 series, and move the entry to the October 2019 series, free of charge.
Please check that the unit your candidate is entered for is available in the October series. You can see full details of what is available in October 2019 here. Please note that we only offer some International A Level (IAL) units in the October series, for other qualifications candidates will be able to sit in the next available series.