Languages | Pearson qualifications


Subject update | 2 October 2023

Outcomes of the Chinese and Japanese A Level Consultations

This update includes information regarding the outcomes of the Chinese and Japanese A level consultations.  

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Earlier in the year we wrote to let you know that the Department for Education and Ofqual were consulting on the subject content for Chinese and Japanese AS and A Level. This consultation has concluded and the outcomes are as follows:

  • Questions and responses in comprehension (listening and reading) tasks must be in English instead of the target language, unless writing skills are also intentionally being assessed.
  • Questions about the literary works and films will be provided in both the target language and English. Students will still be required to respond in the target language to these questions.

Read the updated subject content:



We will be making amendments to our Specifications and Sample assessment materials to reflect this change, which are due for first assessment in June 2026.


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