Int GCSE English Language A (4EA1 03) coursework in MayJune 2024
This is a reminder to centres submitting coursework for Int GCSE English Language A for the May/June 2024 exam series of the correct format for Assignment A.
The submission deadline is 15 May 2024.
Centres are reminded that May/June 2024 submissions of Assignment A: poetry and prose texts must follow the issue 6 specification. Students write on three texts, including poetry and prose from Part 2 of the anthology. The advisory word count is 1200 words. Comparison is not required. Students must write on one topic/theme across the three texts. There is no commentary.
Students may not submit the ‘old format’ Assignment A described in the issue 5 specification (removed from the website following the final exam series in November 2023) in May/June 2024.
Students must rewrite their coursework so that it meets the text requirements of the task. Teachers must make the rubric clear when setting the task and ensure that students write on the required combination of texts.
This is a rubric infringement, but in the context of coursework, it is essentially an incomplete submission. You should mark the work using the mark scheme 'best fit' and then make an adjustment. This will typically be of a level. So if the piece is judged to be mid Level 3 it might be moved to mid Level 2. Teachers must consider the overall balance of coverage of the three texts in a 'normal' response and in the same way, they will consider the balance between two texts in an incomplete submission. Teachers should capture their approach to marking of incomplete submissions in their annotation of the script during first marking and moderation.
Your students should rewrite the coursework removing the commentary and writing on a third text. If there is no time to revise the coursework, you should mark the old coursework against the new coursework mark scheme (in the issue 6 specifications). You must complete the correct authentication sheet for the new coursework.
If you require support with this issue, please contact Clare Haviland, English Subject Advisor at teachingenglish@pearson.com.
Subject advisor
Clare Haviland

Subject updates
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Dear Head of English
Welcome back to the spring term. We hope you had a chance to rest and recharge over the break.
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