Design and Technology | Pearson qualifications

Design and Technology

Subject update | 25 April 2024

April 2024 Design and Technology update

Here is your April 2024 update for GCSE and A level Design and Technology.

This months update focuses on the 15 May NEA submissions and also support available for students for the summer series.  

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15 May NEA submissions - Guidance and Support

Sample is now ready and you can submit your sample from now until 15 May, which is the deadline for submission of marks and sample. 

In Edexcel Online
Sample is visible in Edexcel Online and in Learner Work Transfer. In Edexcel Online under the coursework mark section, where you submit NEA marks, you will see some of your learners with a tick under the column "Included in Sample". These will be your sampled learners.

If the selected sample does not include your highest and lowest marked candidate, please add these to your sample in Learner Work Transfer. Further guidance on this from link below. 

How to view sampled learners in EoL

Please note that to be able to view the sample and submit NEA marks, you will need to have 'Coursework and Portfolio' profile selected in your Edexcel Online account. Your exams officer at your centre can update your profile to give you access to this. 

In Learner Work Transfer (LWT)
You will also be able to see your sample in Learner Work Transfer (LWT),  where you submit your sample. Further guidance through the link below:

GCSE and A Level Design And Technology LWT Guidance

Please note that If your sample does not include the highest and lowest marked candidate, you can include these in your sample, using the manage learners button on the system. 

For each sampled candidate you must submit the following:

  1. Portfolio (including all sections of the NEA)
  2. Photos of the final prototype* (high quality, detailed photos)
  3. Candidate assessment booklet
  4. Authentication sheet (signed and dated by teachers/assessor and learner)

Photos of the final prototype*
Final prototype of the designed and manufactured solution must be photographed in various angles/perspective and include detailed shots, so it is communicated effectively to its audience. This can be a PDF booklet including various photos of the final prototype

You can also submit additional files, such as videos if required. If you submit videos, please make sure that videos are concise and are effectively used. Example use of video could include evidencing testing of the prototype or client discusions. Students need to make sure that videos are covering the required information in order to gain marks, like any other written or drawn evidence. 

Naming conventions?

[centre #]_[candidate #]_[surname]_[first letter of first name]_file name.extension

Item Naming Convention
Portfolio 12345_1234_Smith_J_Portfolio.pdf
Photos of the final prototype 12345_1234_Smith_J_photos.pdf
CAB 12345_1234_Smith_J_CAB.pdf
Authentication 12345_1234_Smith_J_Authentication.pdf
Others e.g. video 12345_1234_Smith_J_testing with client.mp4

Submit marks

Entering coursework marks for learners on academic qualifications on Edexcel Online.
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Using LWT to submit sample

Learner Work Transfer guidance for GCSE and A level Design and Technology
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Candidate Assessment Booklets:
Candidate assessment booklets are used for assessing learners work, marking and highlighting where evidence is found for each assessment criteria.

As part of your submission, you must provide a separate CAB for every candidate in your sample (including your highest and lowest candidate).

Assessors must use the CABs to mark learner’s portfolios and show page numbers where the evidence is found for each section.

Assessors can also type comments in the CABs to support learners' evidence. These annotations can also be useful to explain where evidence is found and marked. As the process is iterative, some evidence may be out of sequence and therefore highlighting this in the CABs would be very useful in the moderation process. 

Assessors must make sure the marks are inputted and added up correctly and give learners their final marks accordingly.

It is recommended centres clerically check the input and addition of marks several times before submission to prevent any errors that could negatively impact their candidates

The Candidate Assessment Booklets for each qualification can be accessed from the course materials section of the qualification page.

Authentication sheets:
Authentication sheets are documents that are signed by both the assessor and the student to confirm that the work completed is authentic. This year, an AI statement has also been added to the Authentication sheets, to acknowledge appropriate AI use within the NEA. 

Access CABs and Authentication sheets through the below links:

Centres have for many years been required to have a written internal appeals procedure relating to internal assessment decisions. As part of this procedure, candidates must be informed of the mark given by their centre for a centre assessed component/unit.

This requirement is to enable candidates to request a review of the centre’s marking prior to themarks being submitted to the awarding body, should they wish to do so, and will facilitate theoperation of a fair review process. It is reflected in the regulators’ Qualification Level Conditions andRequirements.

The internal review process must be completed prior to an awarding body's date for submittingmarks. Any candidates submitting later requests for a review must therefore be informed thatthey are out of time. Centres must publish and communicate clear deadlines for candidates tosubmit a request for a review of the mark before the date for submitting marks.

Read more in the JCQ guidance

Please find the presentation used on 16 April - All set for summer 2024 series support session.

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Summer 2024 support for students

Help your students feel as prepared as possible for the upcoming exam season. 

In addition to all the support you provide, both Ofqual, JCQ and Pearson have a range of information to help inform and guide your students during this busy time. Please take a look at the information we’ve summarised below and pass it on to your students.

Support from Ofqual
The Ofqual Student Guide 2024 provides students with information about this year’s arrangements for GCSE, AS and A level qualifications, and explains what support is in place when taking exams and assessments.

Read the Ofqual Student Guide 2024

Support from JCQ
The JCQ has a range of information and support for students – from coursework and onscreen exams to written exams, along with a checklist for exam day. 

Take a look at all the support JCQ have to offer for students

Support from Pearson 
As the revision season is now fully under way and students begin to turn their focus towards the summer exam series, we’d like to share our Getting ready for exams guide that includes some top tips and advice including:

  • preparing for exams
  • what happens on exam day
  • where to find further support
  • what happens once exams are over

Take a look at the guide and please pass it on to your student

You can stay up to date with all our support for 2024 on our Qualifications

assessment support page

Future looking surveys for Design and Technology and Food

To better understand the perspectives of current GCSE D&T and Food teachers, we've created two brief surveys to inform our decisions on future qualifications.

We would like to explore a specific question around 100% coursework as an alternative assessment model for D&T, and see if alternative models are preferred to the current exam and coursework split.

This survey enables us to consider your valuable insights and understand how changes might impact your students. Your input is crucial in shaping the future of our qualifications. 


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