Design and Technology | Pearson qualifications

Design and Technology

Subject update | Thu Jan 11 12:41:00 UTC 2024

GCSE Design and Technology NEA support and exemplars

This update is to bring you the latest NEA support materials all in one place.

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NEA support materials


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These links will take you to the new support materials for the NEA, including the delivery guide, exemplars and more. 

The updated delivery guide has links within to the new exemplar library for each assessment grid, so while you are reading each section, you can review exemplars with commentary for it, too. 

We have also provided 3 full exemplar portfolios, making exceplification, a CAD support playlist and DoNow worksheets for students. 

Further information

Issue 2 of the delivery guide has links to the exemplar library. While reading the delivery guide, you can link to exemplar work at different levels. 

blue ribbon exemplars

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Exemplar library can be accessed from the blue ribbon on the qualification page for GCSE D&T, as per the image here. 

Access qualification page


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Full exemplar portfolios, issue 2 delivery guide, Making guidance and DoNow worksheets are accessible in the usual location, under the teaching and learning materials section. 

If you have any questions or require further support, please get in touch using the details below. 


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